Greetings! This is Harakoni's user page. I'm a moderator here, so feel free to post on my talk page if you need assistance.
You can see my contributions here.
You can compare almost every item in the game here.
Hey Harakoni, if you're looking for your mess its here: User:Harakoni/Sandbox
1268 Pages to fix
<div><li style="display: inline-table;"> </li><div> {{clear|left}} {{Q|page|Market Value Base #}} style="background: hsla(120, 100%, 50%, 1.0);" <div style="clear:left></div>
Maximum image area equates to 3500x3500px
This is a way to link to a list without making it ugly here.
There's no mistakes in RimWorld, only surprise wealth management techniques - Necrofancy
I created, or contributed to the point where the difference is academic, the templates below:
If you have any issue with any of them, including any instructional or formatting problems, please feel free to ask on my discussions page.
Table templates[edit]
Template | Controlled By | Rollout | Feature Complete |
Notes/TO-DO |
Template: Building Stats Table | {{Building Stats Table Row}} | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Apparel Stats Table | Template: Apparel Stats Table/Row | ![]() |
![]() |
Making an interstitial template might be more processor/load time efficient - the template would instead call a middle template, which calls the row template for every quality of that material. This would let you call the material stats once total instead of once per quality. |
Template: Weapon Stats Table | Template: Weapon Stats Table/Melee Template: Weapon Stats Table/Melee/Row Template: Weapon Stats Table/Ranged Template: Weapon Stats Table/Ranged/Row |
![]() |
![]() |
Template:Persona traits | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Apparel comparison table row | ![]() |
? | ||
Template:Psychic Sensitivity Factor Table | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Leather List | ![]() |
![]() |
Template:Recipe List | Template:Recipe List Row | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Ingredient List | {{Ingredient List Row}} | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Pawn Table Header | ![]() |
![]() |
Add a header in which you can input a pawn type (e.g. Tribes/Empire/Pirates/Mercenaries etc) and it will output the table nicely for you and provide an edit link for the page.
| |
Template:Grow Table | ![]() |
![]() |
Add nutrition for pages that have make food because someone was already confused about the plant nutrition vs vs the products nutrition | |
Template:Recreation Power Quality Table | ![]() |
![]() |
When its understood how rec power translates into time taken to fill rec bar, add time to fully recreate. If this is done, add a no-quality version that only has one column so it can show the rec power time ratio. | |
Template:Comfort Quality Table | ![]() |
![]() |
Template:Rest Effectiveness Quality Table | ![]() |
![]() |
Sleep accelerator and time to sleep | |
Template:Psychic Sensitivity Quality Table | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Heal Option Table | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Stat Factors Table | ![]() |
![]() |
See page for other notes. Is currently written such that transition away from Property:Skill/Property:Skill Base Factor/Property:Skill Base Factor to <SKILLNAME> Bonus Factor etc will be relatively painless, but it should still be implemented. | |
Template: Animal Health Table | ![]() |
![]() |
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Template: Aiming Time Row | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Ranged Cooldown Row | ![]() |
![]() |
Template:Weapon Time Row | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Tree Comparison Row | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Meal Comparison Row | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Body Part Weapon Table Row | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Stomach Comparison Table | ![]() |
![]() |
Template:Ask Table Formatter | ![]() |
![]() |
A way to do operations on a thing would be useful. | |
Template:Egg Table Row | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Apparel Layer Table Row | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Sight Part Efficiency Table | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Hearing Part Efficiency Table | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Moving Part Efficiency Table | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Manipulation Part Efficiency Table | ![]() |
![]() |
Template: Mechanoid Table Row | ![]() |
![]() |
Replacement for Mechanoid_creation#Controllable_mechanoids | |
Template: Faction Xenotype Table | Template: Faction Xenotype Chance | ![]() |
![]() |
Displays xenotype percentages of a faction |
Template: Xenotype Faction Table | Template: Faction Xenotype Chance | ![]() |
![]() |
Displays percentages of a xenotype in various factions. |
Template:Pawn Temperature Row | ![]() |
![]() |
Other templates[edit]
Obsolete templates[edit]
Template | Controlled By | Feature Complete |
Notes |
Template: Weapon Material Table | Template: Weapon Material Table Row | ![]() |
Merged into Template: Weapon Stats Table. Retained for use in history. |
Template: Other Weapon Attack Table | ![]() |
Merged into Template: Weapon Stats Table. Retained for use in history. | |
Template:Weapon No Quality Table | ![]() |
Merged into Template: Weapon Stats Table. Retained for use in history. | |
Template: Apparel Material Table | {{Apparel Material Table Row}} | ![]() |
Merged into Template: Apparel Stats Table. Retained for use in history. |
Template: Armor material table | ![]() |
Outdated but retained for use in history. | |
Template: Clothing material table | {{Clothing material table row}} | ![]() |
Outdated but retained for use in history. |
Harakoni namespace templates[edit]
I also created the following templates, however they are not intended for wiki-wide use Set wide to-do: Swap Q for {{#show}} and reduce template load on comparison pages. If suffcient roll out to main.
Groups of pages[edit]
These are pages that have commonalities that should have similar/standardised formatting. Note categories don't have to be mutually exclisive. Anyone reading these, feel free to add to
- Psyfoci
- Psycasts
- Utility
- Needs
- Diseases
- Drugs
- materials
- <Mat cats here>
- Body parts
- Implants
- Replacements(Name?)
- Arms/Legs/Eyes/Hearts/Spines/Etc
- Skin glands
- Apparel
- Noble gear
- Psycasting gear (eltex, prestige armor, bioferrite, psyfoil etc)
- Weapons
- Melee
- Ranged
- Persona weapons
- Buildings
- Turrets
- Traps
- IEDs specifically
- Buildings the explode when damaged
- Spots
- Holding spot and platform
- Doors
- Non-edifice floor things (Rugs, spike stars etc_
- Recreation items
- Things that heat and/or cool
- Seats
- Beds
- Mech cluster buildings
- Power generation/consumers
- Production benches
- Research benches
- Floors
- Plants
- Wild
- Domesticated
- Ruins
- Food
- Meals
- Meat
- Eggs
- Vegetables
- Factions
- Stats
- Orders
- Gas
- Xenotypes
- Pawns
- Animals
- Insectoids
- Mechanoids
- Entities
- Fleshbeasts
- Animals
- ideo statue page?
- Cross DLC content
- Darklight brazier
- Prestige robe modifier
- Sophian culture, Horaxian style, Bloodfeeding, ritualist, and inhuman memes, growth vats, bloodfeeders, child labor, mechanoid labor, psychic rituals, void study, inhumanizing precepts, xenotype preferences
- factions with ideo and enotype
- Animal grazing:
- Take animal on caravan in an biome where they can eat.
- Doesn't allow wool/milk/egg to be gathered.
- Can tehy breed? Mixed reports
- Do they have to be pen animal, does training decay on caravan? Can it be tended on caravan?
- shepard has to have high plants to feed themelves, or they need to pack or be sent meals. Tribals have an easier time for this.
- If the gestation and resource growth times are close, and the timers for both progress on caravan, you come home, collect resources while they get pregnant.
- Btw if you clic on “rest” as soon as your caravan leaves for the world map, your caravan will rest right on top of your own colony. Caravans never get ambushed when sitting on top of a settlement, including your own. If you have more than one pawn guarding it, then at any point you can split the caravan and tell whichever half to come to your colony.
- Standard section for artificial body parts that show on the pawn visually - bionic eye archktech eye, flesh whip, flesh tentacle, ghoul olatin, ghoul babrbs
- Go through psycast and be explict whrn can target self.
- Textile automation. Proof of concept: Out of all 30 textiles, human leather ranks at 21, tied 2 ways, in terms of sharp protection.
- Theres some bad advice mixed in with Wealth management
- Non-human pawn table standard:
- investigate ideal storage room. is an entire room filled with shelves thr same speed penalty as going over one shelf
- Standardise Analysis of wall torch lamp/torch lamp/wall lamp/standing lamp/flood light
- There are genes in the infobox on the page but the var isnt actually set. could automate the displays, the links in on the gene pages etc.
- Walls spliting non edifices in bedrooms for maximum beauty. put in corners 3x3s can hit 4 rooms and each room can have multiple.
- kind instinct and extra pain disable a number of bad fsctor and add a bunch of good factors massively increase conversion rate.
- Harbinger tree
- noble apparel template
- Light template
- Light pages all say that light does not stack but light does stack. does it only stack to 50%? or to the light sources max? if the latter that has impact on sunlamps.
- Gene list on xenotype infobox. Seems to not actually do anbything but it could...
- Raw food poisoning note
- Anesthetic strat via reddit:
- A nice comparison template for toxic resistance and toxic environment resistacne that lets you compare at a glance.
- RimWorld Wiki:Style guide section about proper dlc icon and banner useage.
- Natural organs summaries are non-standard
- add weapon fire audio to pages
- IED antigrain has decent intro text, most ied intro text is bad.
- Bonus deathrest capacity from serums resets even if one implants another xenogerm with deathrest
- For every artificial body part that rplaces a harvestable body part, put/move the section about harvesting the organic version in the installation section and explicitly note that any damage/ailment/disease/scarring will cause the orgnaic oart to be lost forever.
- Related: Do fleshbeasts spawn when wheb replacing flesh part with artifical part?
- Do crypto chambers suspend the duration of negative mood buffs?
- Turrets are stunnable by stun damage as well as EMP, what does this mean?
- Split Property: Maintenance Reason into individual categories and update the wiki to do.
- Jump pack and locust armor need standardisation between the two of them.
- Can paramedics use NPD's for their patients? Regardless of answer, diseminate to NPD, NPM, Paramedic pages.
- If mechs dont make never sleep caravans stop, this is a significant benefit to mechs. Also consider reporting mechs and.half cyclers and body mastery as buggs if they do stop caravans
- shields and incinerators - using shields and agianst shieds
- perfect memory corrup obelisk
- crafted resource nav?
- can you scare animals away from their kills and your food stores with gunfire not targetted at them to avoid agroing
- Venom fangs might be good with all the Melee Damage Factor buffs. you can go like 74% buildup ij a single strike. A 20 damage attack Nominally deals thirty toxic build up but what's hapoens when the attack hits a finger that onky has 8 hp? dies it deal 12 TB? OR 30? does tge overflow matter? does tgat make a karger disparaty betewwww bite and scratch attacks
- templatize dlc banners for consistency and file name space detection
- Individal pages for each raid type? Might be useful for analysis. Already have ypsicic oens from mrotals.
- For each psycast, mentione the need for the a minimum psyfocus level
- Mech cluster combat power
- Does Assembly Speed Factor increase above 100% cleanliness
==Asks== {{#ask: [[Coverage::+]] [[Type::Gear]] |?Clothing For Nudity |sort=Clothing For Nudity |limit = 500}} There are lots of things that have CLothing for nudity yes, but don't affec.t Need to make Nudity page.
- Installing a detoxifier lung might completely subsidise its creation material wise because you can sell the lung?
- manhunter pulse is excellent against fleshbeasts but only affects some types??
- Add canTarget to psycasts.
- Check the patches in the DLC data to see what changes - some items have descriptions change for example e.g. go-juice description re: psycasters.
- Mech gestators have progress bars displayed on their sprites. add to page
- Verify blood feeder precept only affects pawns with bloodfeeder gene not all hemogenic pawns, and then disessminate to relevant pages.
- Verify thump cannons don't have quality any more - previously they'd spawn as poor, Normal, and Good quality
- Add what buildings turn a room into on the building pages - i.e. beds turn a room into a bedroom, or if set to medical a hospital, or if set to prisoners a prison, or if more than one a barracks/hospital/prison barracks.
- xenogerm is probably the ideal early game transhumanist pleaser.
- test cataphract against venom fangs at skill 10
- [1]
- Version/0.8.671 - existed, but not documented.
- Version/1.0.2059 - Real version number of 1.0.0?
- Version/1.1.2554 - Real version number of 1.1.0?
- Blasting charges (mod) and Blasting charge - remake into obsolete page?
- Bionics body weight effects
- Accele-potato plant
- Temperature genes affect slept-in-cold/heat temperatures.
- Do crypto chambers suspend the duration of negative mood buffs
- Lore#Xenotypes and steam page
- Shield belts protect against all forms of antigrain - fire shell, warhead being damaged, and ied. Wb flame and bomb explosions?
- Template:Ticks and its family of subtemplates is convoluted. Simplify and combine.
- Add Polluted biome to infoboxmain?
- psycast page genes.
- Melee damage gene = less turret explosions. + high quality Breach axe = good?
- "The mortars aren’t even the real benefit of the new mortar system. The benefit is being able to carpet your base with IEDs since they become positively dirt cheap and never miss"
- Meal analyses expansion.
- mechanoid melee verbs on pages. See mechanoid table row for example.
- ribworld. DLC name theory context etc.
- Bring all raw plant foods to raw fungus standard.
- Children can meditate at teh anima tree. Mention and strategy.
- What is the net total of stat effects of Focus psycasts.
- MTB - Mean time between = time/failures. Reliability (chance of run without failure for given time) = e ^ (-failure rate x time)
- Stolen from Khitrir and Bork e.g. Chance of death from go juice. Mtb of death while in major 3 days = 3days/1 failure. Average time in major from a random OD 0.17 days. Chance of death from random OD = (1 - e(-(1/3)*0.17)) * chance of overdose 0.5% = 0.0275% chance of death per dose of gojuice
- make into auto template similar to Template:Ticks
- Console edition UX UI:
- Anicent lmaps are moving to core in 1.4, as are capes kinda.
- Effectiveness of Manhunter Pulse and animal pusler on yttakin raids.
- "Edit: Alright! So! Fully clean vanilla game, a pawn with no arms CAN feed themselves, but they CANNOT haul items, clean, or equip weapons, alongside many other things." - per reddit user Lord_Of_Coffee. Despite manipulation not affecting cleaning time. so 1% manip = fully leaning speed 0 = no cleaning at all.
- Who gets an archotech eye:
- Only the following get bonuses above 100%: Shooters, Melee, Cooks, Doctors, Researchers
- Shooters: Full bonus.
- Melee: Full bonus.
- Cooks: Reach cap with at skill 15 with gastro analyser. 16 with 2x bionic arms. 12 with 2x archotech arms. Or 11 with gastro an bionics (add arm bonuses to cooking speed.
- Doctors: Only need 1 and 1x bionic eye to cap, and even then the bionic is a small bonus
- Researchers: Reach cap with 1x bionic eye
- Doctors and fighters of either type, but only 1 eye each at first. because of the weighting for the dominant eye
- Derp - royalty and ideology planets and moons are the same but rotated. Figure out what to do re them.
- File:ChangeGameVersion.mp4
- Archotech towers emit negative mood in radius like psychic emitters.
- Cheapest chair type, quality and material to get comfort 1.0+
- File:Deermale_east.png Old version is higher res. From art source? Crop to 128?
- Add a habitat counter for leather list? As in animals that drop this leather are available in the following biomes: blah.
- Psycaster apparel and Noble apparel summaries.
- title cloth requirement tags are sorted - need to create standardized template for use in Summary Sections of required clothes to replace the current :Up to the rank of blah this or an altenrative is needed" This should be placed in summaries as well anyway.
- Titles - rewrite the noble and eltex apparel pages to reflect the reality of title requirements per Titles#General_mechanics - e.g. cape is cost effective and proective as it works for the body slot for every rank up to Count, eltext shirt and a prestige cataphtract helmet can be worn by anyone etc.
- Mindscrew#Removal for the other unremovable implants?
- Buildings that need to be in the ideo to buidl - e.g. altars, need to be noted in acquisition
- Sandbags v Barricades
- Same cover. Same time to walk over each. Barricades are much slower to construct. "You can use sandbags in a pinch when attacking enemy installations. At only 3 work to make, you essentially have portable cover". But permanent are better left to barricades - they're less uglgy and tend to have more HP. For this reason, Plasteel barricades are best for permanent defensive locations. High teier leathers that compete with stone tend to be in hgh demands. The terrain affordance may sometimes be relevant tho.
- Table-ize factors on stats to allow sorting?
- destroyyield is nonstandard in infobox main, should be destroy yield
- AP of AoE weapons including grenades.
- Roof drop traps deal between 15 and 30 crush damage at 0 AP to the any of the following: Neck, Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Jaw for humans. Helmets and flak vests make for significantly reductions to the damage dealt. Construction helmets are relevant. Check efficacy on tribals vs pirates vs mechs vs bugs. Discuss roof traps on new Roof page when created.
- A place to host a combined table for both Floors and Terrain.
- Potatoes in hydroponics for deserts because of work efficiency per food
- Advanced Endgame Guide Quests Ending the game - all cover the same content and are somewhat redundant in doing so.
- All animals and sycthers have a hit chance of 62%, add to DPS calc?
- Trait analysis? Psychopath huamn butchers, wimp animal tamers,
- Ancient ruined tank - prevents moving over it, but does not prevent firing over it. Essentially a vanilla embrasure.
- shooting at a hostile target will gain you more than 8 times the xp than a neutral target
- All the pain effects have to be checked: Many are just written as -10%, when actually they're pain x90%, while some like smokeleaf joints are actually offsets.
- Investigate the worth of Psychically deaf pawns as melee pawns, as they're immune to dropping blinding/berserk pulse/etc but their enemies arne't and will be bunched up around them. Neuroquake? If everyone is psy deaf though, you can do tactics like "leaving psychic drone ships intact, deliberately building a protective temple around them, and watch as enemies who show up have to eat -50 mood penalties" Anytime you're immune to something that everyone else isn't, you can intentionally make them all miserable by filling your environment with the thing wihch doesn't affect you.
- Given the vitals monitor acts as an offset, how do its effects stack with the hopsital bed? ARe they affectd by quality, do they need to be added to the automated tables like dresser/end table. etc.
- Finish Mortar Pits in Mortar#Mortar_pits
- Half cyclers for anima and guarantlen trees? +Slaves for cleaners
- Mental break#Manhunter - list of herd animals.
- Prisoner#Prison_breaks, Prison break. Events#Prison break - detail and integration. Focus likely should be on the prisoner page, with the event page summarizing it and redirecting to it as main. Redirect should as well.
- Hypothermia, Hypothermic slowdown, Heatstroke cleanup and format standardization.
- only 40% of pawns will meditate for recreation, only 50% will pray.
- Do slaves make good gau pruners? Does pruning give recreation like meditating at anima? idt so? if not the base happiness boost and the lack of rec time need means that they spend more time pruning
- Stoves produce heat. need thing like other heat producers have.
- Which rec/priduction builds etc can be used with chairs. Place in summary
- All the Diseases need linking to the capacity pages as well as being put on the capacity pages themselves.
- add points/silver etc on to raid points
- list of animals does not have the products that the animals produce, nor their nutritional efficiency from being a dairy/hatchery animal (e.g. (cows milk per day * milk nutrition)/nutrition consumption per day
- Does comfort increase at a rate proportional to value, or just to a max proportional to the value? Wb under 100% and above?
- Mortar Miss Radius Multiplier it doesn't have capacity factors like normal, instead it has capacity offsets similar to the melee hit, melee dodge, and shooting accuracy. Afaik its the only non-post processed example. Should this replace the normal importance stats then?
- Do textiles have door speeds now with animal flap?
- Drug Crop Harvest Yield
- Work as a concept should be made into a page, see also Work To Make, but that only applies to certain things. Work is consistent hwoeve e.g. work to mine.
- Can now jump pack with downed pawns. Page needs updating with strats.
- Terrain water has a extraDeteriorationFactor var of 3. Investigate and integrate.
- Tree connection and cocoa trees? DO they count
- Gunlinks, see u/Hanif_Shakiba's very good post and update the analysis based on own findings and their post - key points, 1) Doubling of DPS of skill 0 pawn at combat relevant distances (12tiles)= Significant increase, check if HS's post agrees, 2) risk of headshot small, what weapons can 1 shot brain and does their ap invalidate most of the protection the simple helmet offers anyway? Lancer will basically ignore both so why not have better DPS? Once you upgrade to Marine/Cata then the eqn changes.
- Weapon testing - khit says that other discord users found that spear > longsword due to verb system changes fixing previous issue with spear. Needs new testing. Also need warhammer vs mace testing with steel and uranium. User: XeoNovaDan did previous mass testing. How? Mods? Dev Mode? Need to find out.
- Slavery and Human Resources need to be better integrated.
- style dominance.
- When 1.3 releases, use the list from the Goodwill folder to add to Factions
- Disfigurement needs to be on the injury page and linkt to from the social page, also the fact that it nullifies beauty traits but not ugly traits should be mentioned.
- Do animals get Food poisoning from raw foods? Its defined as "FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman" which implies no and I've never seen it. Needs to be confirmed and integrated into the wiki.
- Add habitats to animals.
- Effect of 1 strike from Venom fangs and venom talon - how much does 1 strike cause Toxic buildup and whats the effect on Consciousness i.e. how quickly does it debuff enemies.
- Wealth management
- User:Pangaea/Pawn test
- Circadian_half-cycler#Analysis
- Social - the opinion tables need updating
- harvestMinGrowth add to pages? - could be useful for production/time analysis if cutting down early produces more. check.
- Stat skills need to be defined like Capacities - with "Animals Base Value" and "Intellectual Bonus Per Level" as they can have more than one skill (e.g. hunting stealth). They ALL need to changed to fix this.
- stats should list allowed defect
- investigate if neural heat dump coma shortened by psy foil helmet
- Change stat table and others to templates to make use of Is Obsolete property (feed it to template, display if not obsolete property != True)
- Jade has different work to make and work to build stat factors
- Melee comparison page - add Maximum damage attack (or all attacks?), add cooldown, split material from quality (so you can look at only Plasteel weapons, or only Legendary Weapons).
- Diseases is a mess of non-standardization - with some information transcluded and other information not. The diseases should be standardized at least,. but really its likely that diseases shouldn't have the information and instead individual pages should be use with only a short summary of each disease on the Diseases page.
- Create attack animal comparison table? With health scale, DPS, training requirements
- Property:Small Volume exist but isn't displayed anywhere
- rewrite all the pages for the psyfocuses to properly reflect their use as such.
- Combat effectiveness of yayo, adding overdose information
- Hospital_bed#Version_history is clean. Implement?
- Animals with wilderness above 10% (meaning all animals aside from farm animals) will have their tameness training degrade eventually
- Fix frag grenade and add to table.
- Tribal improved foraging vs outlander improved research and the effects on recruiting people of your tech level aren't anywhere I can find on the wiki
- Heat Armor
- Finish convert of Armor comparison table into row template ala ranged table on Weapons, including steel and plasteel versions of material dependent metal items, include cloth, devilstrand, hyperweave and thrumbofur of cloth items? Maybe bloat. Put cloth items on clothing table only?
- Traits needs an overhaul. A lot of outdated info, a lot of subsidiary info. Investigate "Character Quality" - beautiful adds 40% quality, staggeringly ugly reduces by 40%, wimp reduces by 15% etc
- Ice Sheet Guide - update, compare with previous edit-warred version
Draykoth Reading isn't just a learning activity, it's the best one, because it's the only one you can force a child to do. Instead of waiting for them to hit 90% learning and then do it on their own, if they have the reading learning need, you can just order them to go read and they'll actually learn stuff if you have good books, not just get recreation
Reports that you can imprisone and study cult of horax membiers.
- mechanoid slag chunk
- Bionic jaw
- organ decay - scarless cures organ decay, affects heart, lungs and kidneys, one each only. Bioregeneration doesn't cure organ decay but does stop the counter. Mech serum cures it
Anomaly pit gate cube sculpture pit burrow gray box
New textures:
- Weapons
- research strings
- book rulestrings, planet descriptions - can also tell thingsa bout specific types of planet (e.g. toxworlds generally) not specific planets
- Planet list of types.
Unreported change
- Drill arms on the shoulder.
- Shelves don't have quality
- Smelt or destroy thing combined bill on smelter
- psy lances had warmup or cooldown chances changed?
- skulls are core
- trade price improvement now capped at 39.50%
Cooking speed uncapped?
Unrleated to 1.5 but to be implemented: For example, Baby Infant Illness is NOT cured by the biosculptor -- but you can keep tossing in the baby until Grave Illness switches to Common
After some quick tests - Looks like piercing spine is.. still behaving a little weird but this doesn't seem like a bug so much as a weird damage type thing. It does 30 damage when hitting an external part (which is quite uncommon, possibly need to look at piercing spine specifically to see if it's got an abnormally high internal part hit chance). When hitting an internal part it does 22.5 damage to the parent part and 12 damage to the internal part. Which is a little weird because regular stabs just do their full damage distributed evenly amongst the parts hit.. This is instead doing 75% damage to the parent and 40% to the internal for a *slight* damage increase. There's no longer the armor interaction weirdness. Now if that internal part was targeted and the hit was mitigated by armor it would do 11 to the parent and 6 to the internal part. The changes make piercing spine vastly less lethal, but probably more useful. You won't randomly poke someone's liver out and kill them immediately, but on the other hand you *will* do a bunch of torso damage and cause them to bleed if you hit something like a stomach, kidney ect. Previously you could just pop out someone's stomach with a piercing spine and they'd be literally unharmed minus the part.
Yeah it's now incapable of removing an internal part without damaging the external part, which is how basically all other damage types work. It should be *vastly* more consistent, less spontaniously lethal (the damage done to internal parts has gone down substantially, below the threshold for 1-shots in most case), and better when contributing to damage done by other damage types And now piercing spines won't do that annoying thing where they magically remove someone's stomach or kidney, which has no impact on their combat performance whatsoever. Now they'll have a substantially mangled torso and a damaged stomach/kidney instead
Apparel | Cold insulation | Heat insulation | Material Cost |
Button-down shirt +Pants |
0.52 | 0.2 | 90 |
T-shirt +Pants |
0.44 | 0.2 | 80 |
Formal shirt +Pants |
0.44 | 0.2 | 130 |
Tribalwear | 0.55 | 0.55 | 60 |
Changelog |
RimWorld update 1.5 public changelog New stuff - base game Books and bookcases Added books. Colonists can acquire books and read them for recreation and for their unique bonuses: textbooks increase a specific skill, schematics progress a certain research project, and novels increase recreation faster. Added bookcases. These are used to store books. Storing books in bookcases increases the beauty of a room, makes nearby research benches faster, and increases the XP and recreation gained from reading. Books are obtained from traders or quest rewards. Wall lamps, flood lights, hidden conduits, couches, and ornate doors Added wall lamps and wall torches which are placed directly on walls. They provide slightly less light compared to their standing version. Added flood lights. These are powerful and expensive outdoor lights that cover large areas. Added hidden conduits. These are invisible unless the building or power UI is active. Hidden conduits are harder to damage from explosions or fire. Added couches. They function like armchairs but have room for two colonists instead of one. Added ornate doors. These are the first 2x1 doors in RimWorld and they suit prestigious buildings like throne rooms and temples. Mechanoid water emergence and slag chunks Mechanoids can now emerge from bodies of water to attack your colony. Certain large mechanoids have a chance to drop a “mechanoid slag chunk” when they’re broken down - these act like steel slag chunks and can be smelted for steel. (These are also replacing ancient mech detritus in Ideology.) Crawling When downed, humans still capable of manipulation can now crawl on the ground instead of being fully incapacitated. Crawling colonists leave blood trails, move away from danger, and will seek out the nearest place to recover, like a hospital bed or sleeping spot. Enemies can crawl too. New wanderers after a “game over” When all of your colonists are dead or gone, there’s a new option as part of the game over letter to “create new wanderers”, if you want a second chance with your colony. This allows you to create 1-6 new colonists to inhabit the remains of your colony instead of ending the game. This is entirely optional and you don’t have to use it if you prefer a more hardcore experience. UI and art Added a search tool (default hotkey: Z) which allows searching visible areas on the map for items, buildings, plants, creatures, and more. Added an option to make colonists’ moods on the colonist bar much more visible. They change color and glow when below mental break thresholds. Added silhouette highlighting when the camera is zoomed out to make pawns more visible. This can be customized in the game’s settings. Added a 12 / 24 hour clock option. Added a zoom to mouse option where the game zooms in towards the position of your mouse, instead of the center of the screen. Redesigned the prisoner tab. Redesigned the health tab. New and improved weapon art. Improved plant art and added immature and leafless variants. Miscellaneous Added “Clean room” command for colonists. Added "Mine vein" designator. This command orders colonists to mine out all connected mineral of a single type with one click. Added separate "smooth walls" and "smooth floors" designations to structure and floor architect tabs. Added a bionic jaw prosthetic. Added the organ decay disease. Added auto rebuild option on firefoam poppers. Added the ability to dismiss traders. Added new options on the world map to easily send caravans. Added new SFX for animals eating. Added new jungle night ambience SFX. This removes the old high-pitched noises. Added new warm up SFX for psychic shock lances, psychic insanity lances, psychic animal pulsers. Added and updated SFX for melee & ranged hit impacts. Improvements and adjustments - base game Pawns Ensure humanlikes are fed first in caravans. Allowed capturing carried pawns. Ascetics ignore "Ate without table" thought. Improved construction hauling. Ensure beggars never show up with the requested item in their inventory. Confused wandering has a max duration of 2 days. Non-player faction animals with no lord eventually leave the map. Display that a target pawn is psychically deaf when targeting them with a psychic shock lance and other equivalent equipment. Increase target prone accuracy modifier from 20% to 50%. Bionic stomachs reduce the chance of getting food poisoning by half. Added north and south facing artwork for all dessicated animals. Death-on-downed chance now applies to non damage health state changes. Rebalance brawler trait to offset skill more than mood. Tending to non-hostile factions improves goodwill. Killed leavings are deterministic instead of random on death. Invisible pawns no longer block hostiles from pathing through them. Added “pyro used fire weapon” thought. Improved firefighting so colonists prioritize putting out nearby fires. Teetotaler vs chemical interest opinion now only applies to teetotaler trait, not idelogion. Starting colonists have a chance to spawn with possessions related to their traits. UI and art Improved research UI. Improved policy UI. Changed visuals for tainted apparel Added a corpse color modifier and changed rotting corpse colors. Display progress on research projects in project tooltip. Research benches display research speed factors on the inspect pane instead of work speed. Clicking the "Need research" alert opens the research tab. Draw the light radius of torches, braziers and lamps in yellow when placing or selected. New pawns will always be placed to the right side of the colonist bar. Allow targeting via the colonist bar. Adjust stat names slightly so they fit better in tooltips. Zones are renamed by the button on the inspect pane instead of by the gizmo. Add thought title to thought tooltip in case it's too long for the needs card. Food now shows its ingredients in the tooltip in caravan/trade dialogs. Ingredients in menus are now sorted from highest quantity to lowest. Added research project info to research bench inspect panes. Egg box has a "select contained thing" gizmo. Replaced X button texture with trash can for all "delete" instances. List "efficiency" of added parts in point form like other hediff effects. Relabel misc injury to "wound". Remove "shot by X" in tooltips if the pawn is player controlled and not drafted. Draw subtle background over main menu links to prevent bright backgrounds rendering them invisible. When using a techprof persona core, bring up the research completed window. “Select contained thing” gizmo now displays the thing as the icon. Update Ludeon logo on main menu links. Reorganized some buildables on the furniture architect tab. Hide meditation focus radius ring from torches and braziers. Miscellaneous Allow creating storage groups for single shelves by clicking the "rename" button on the inspect pane. Show message when various abilities' cooldown ends. Undergrounder trait description mentions pawns will be unhappy outdoors. Added an option to increase/decrease the number of autosaves the game will keep (1-25) Lung rot moved from Biotech to Core. Infestations now refund/minify any buildings they destroy. Update bridges to be the same color as wood floors. Moved natural hair ColorDefs to Core from Ideology. Meteorite strikes will no longer hit monuments. Fires produce light. Things to load into transport pods can now be changed at any time. Numpad enter can now be used in dialogs the same way that return can. Scale damage to buildings from fire/burn damage by their flammability. Removed some spot building exploits. Foam turret activation cooldown is paused while repressurizing and unpowered. Gas now dissipates slower in roofed areas. Ensure crashed ship parts land before mechanoid drop pods, so mechs won’t die from the explosion. Adjusted some backstories to align with universe canon. Improve descriptions of hediffs for prosthetics. Rephrased grid excess/stored inspect string for clarity. Now "Grid excess: X (Y stored)". Improved lighting for roof eaves. Updated flame damage to scale with building flammability. Added "resources to make" stat entry for buildables. Created an "ingredients" stat entry for craftable ThingDefs. Added a duplicate area button to the area management window. Added new Core tips. Tinctoria now has a lifespan of 12 days. Improvements and adjustments - Royalty Bestower and guards exit the map more quickly. Increased work to build for braziers. Improvements and adjustments - Ideology Ideoligion pawn column is not drawn in Ideology disabled mode. Styling stations now display favorite and ideoligion colors with a small icon. Trader inventories try to use the styles available for their primary ideoligion. Update drug policy records when pawn leaves biosculptor pods. Moral guide abilities now wake up sleeping pawns. "Unlocked by X" -> "Origin X" for building styles from memes in precept edit dialog. Reliquary has a “select contained thing” gizmo. Loudspeakers and lightballs can now be switched on and off. Improvements and adjustments - Biotech Adjusted wastepack incident to consider pollution. Made psychic bond distance thought more permissive. As long as both pawns are on the same map and not suspended (cryptosleep casket) they get the positive thought. Slightly reduce the mass of sashes. Added a confirmation dialog for when a potential mechanitor is incapable of intellectual, similar to smithing. Remove reference to damage over time in acid spray gene description. Added toxalope corpse artwork. Added more acid filth texture options for acid spray so it never looks tiled. Displayed a stat entry for turrets attached to pawns, such as heavy mechs. Attached helpful text to mouse when selected pawn is aiming animal warcall ability. Displayed when a mechanitor is required to start the next cycle in gestator inspect strings. Updated fire spew LOS highlighting. Berserk and similar psycasts no longer work on bosses. Apocriton is ultraheavy weight class mech. Updated psychic bonding hediff tooltip to factor in pawns contained in buildings. Clarify that pawns with no xenogenes cannot implant their xenogerm into another person. Show correct warning message on attempt. Babies in caravans now ignore drug policies like they do on map. Added float menu option to take baby to a safe location. Dev tools Added “Start game with dev palette on” settings option. Only show names for official mods in incident chances debug output. Added more columns to incident chances debug output. Added tools for unfogging and refogging rects of the map. Improvements to the "change style" tool. Allow changing colors of hair and apparel instantly in dev mode. Allow changing style of dead or otherwise unspawned pawns. Added debug tool for spawning pawns of a specific lifestage. Added tool for tending all bleeding hediffs. Added "destroy part" option to apply damage dev tool. Added pinnable "add hediff" debug action. Dev palette entries no longer re-cache their labels. Added "None" option for "Set faction" dev tool. Added an editor window for authoring SimpleCurve objects. Added contents in braces to "add hediff" debug table for hediffs with names shared by another. Smooth surface applies instantly if in godmode. Fires are now spawnable with the "Spawn thing" tool. Spawning fires on top of existing ones will increase the size. Added "Recalculate threat points" debug action. "Current threat points" output recalculates before logging. Added “Music debugger” Technical Rewrote pawn rendering to use a parent/child node system. This allows for animations and visual dynamic parts to be added/removed easily (technical document link). Implemented asset hot-reload for developer/modder ease. Added support for maps which don’t have a corresponding world tile. Added new virtual relationship record system. Maintains relationship information without bloating save files. Pawn rendering is now multithreaded. Added a new super-fast dynamic thing culling system. Added support for wall attached buildings. Added infection pathway system. These allow for the easy tracking and explanation of infection for the purposes of hediffs and incidents. Only used for some Anomaly content, does not change how base game infection works. Infection pathways can optionally require a source pawn kind attached to them for extra detail. Added a new music system which can change between songs based on current game state. Optimizations to various alerts. Small optimizations to beauty calculations. Optimize food searching for animals in pens. Minor performance improvements for tending WorkGivers. Minor performance improvements for feed baby and study work givers with large numbers of pawns on the map. Decoupled AbilityDef.level from psylink to allow modders to create other leveled abilities. Added timestamps and repetition count on log messages. Replace MapMeshFlags enum with a Def. Updated Russian language worker. Add dev gizmo to manually toggle building power. Added disableImpassableShotOverConfigError flag to ThingDef. Make RaceProperties.IsFlesh return a bool in the race's FleshTypeDef instead of hard-coded to mechs. Damage effect pawn tinting is done in material property block instead of copying a new material. Tick equipment on pawns. Removed redundant burning stump spawn check. Small optimization for gas section layer setup. Unified import modes for building atlases. Allow ThingComps to affect Thing stats like CompAffectedByFacilities. Removed 100% cap from AnimalGatherYield, ButcheryFleshEfficiency and ButcheryMechanoidEfficiency StatDefs. Melee verbs check if they are a melee verb first before checking if they are usable. Slight performance gain. Skill gains/possessions from traits and backstories have a custom xml loader which reduces xml config. Replace BackstoryDef's "baseDesc" with Def's "description" field. Made xpGainAmount from skilltrainers configurable. Removed CompProperties_Neurotrainer and CompNeurotrainer, replaced them with existing skill/ability gaining comps. Gas rendering now sends density values to the shader and color and texturing is resolved there. Alerts can be flagged as expansion-specific. Avoids checking if that expansion is active every check. Hediffs can now override the skin shader. Disabled work types use a cached value instead of recalculating every call. Changed steamAppId to uint. More control over flecks/motes via XML. Replaced uses of UnityEngine's Random.Range() with our own Rand.Range(). Renamed classic -> classicExtraMode and hiddenIdeoMode -> classicMode. Removed Biotech MayRequire from MeleeDamageFactor stat. If a customizer is defined, rule selection for "p=" acts like priority instead of weight. Increased float range serialization precision. Allowed areas are now per map. Reduce the base maxRemembered value of history events to alleviate some save file bloat. Bugfixes Fix: Meteorites leaving stone change terrain after save/load cycle. Fix: Many pawns in a small space can cause heat to build up forever. Fix: Checking/unchecking pregnant animal slaughter inconsistent with checking/unchecking slaughter bonded with animals total. Fix: Auto-slaughter attempting to slaughter youngest animals and pregnant first. Fix: Psychic suppressor constantly being reapplied at edge of range on world map. Fix translation issue: Wrong surgery outcome texts without Biotech. Fix: Lodgers can farskip and enter ancient complex shuttles. Fix: Several issues with pollution clearing. Fix: Neurotrainers not including aptitudes in message. Fix: CompPollutionPump uses Find.CurrentMap for artificial building check. Fix: Out of bounds error when looking for a meditation spot. Fix: Mineable steel generation in tutorial. Fix: Smeltable thing filter allowing wooden apparel to be smelted. Fix: Unfogging working incorrectly for large buildings. Fix: Ink black hair not rendering the correct color. Fix: Nudists trigger “need warm clothes” alert. Fix: Error getting null target for throne/bedroom requirements alert explantation. Fix: Whitespace on claw injury label. Fix: Gatherings could select invalid organizers. Fix: Team skills showing disabled skills. Fix: Duelists interacting while in ritual. Fix: uint parsing failure. Fix: Mech bosses can be called one after the other within a 2 second window. Fix: Consumable items can appear as relics. Fix: Installation blueprints render behind things. Fix: Ancient fences and wire not deconstructible. Fix: Hediff iteration not correctly accounting for hediff removal. Fix: Targeting circle not displaying above some thing overlays. Fix: Prevent wall raise from being used on indestructible things. Fix: If a pawn dies while jumping, their corpse (and held item) is not spawned. Fix: Melee trap damage/ap stats display as 5x as high, despite being spread over 5 hits. Fix: Precept_Role.apparelRequirements potential NullReferenceException. Fix: Organ traded/sold/installed thoughts have "organ harvested" label. Fix: Drugs being considered with the fresh filter. Fix: Don't send fuel node messages if the fuel node was destroyed. Fix: Learning rate being applied on tech print XP bonus. Fix: Error when looking for a spectate cell. Fix: Error when mining smoothed wall for door blueprint. Fix: Overlays used Matrix4x4 in cache, potentially creating a huge amount of unused lists. Fix: Error when creating xenogerm in certain circumstances. Fix: Potential scenario where an unspawned pawn could organize a gathering. Fix: Incorrect stack count when looking for food to train animals Fix: Ensure duelists drop their weapons if the duel is called off/canceled. Fix: Remove wake up trigger if lord or pawns don't exist. Fix: Exception getting growth points for dead pawn. Fix: Saved references to destroyed relic/removed ideo/precept. Fix: Spectators can reserve altar interaction spots during rituals. Fix: Pawns no longer analyze items at unpowered research benches. Fix: Duel not ending if a fighter starts a mental break. Fix: Setting the drug policy of imperial troops makes them drop their drugs required for their xenotype. Fix: Notifications are sent about guests that are leaving the map. Fix: Trying to save discarded pawn reference in BattleLogEntry. Fix: Rounding shows resistance at 0.0, but recruitment isn't available yet. Fix: Slaves are unable to attack in duels without having an aggressive reaction set. Fix: Gender specific apparel does not show gender in their info tab. Fix: Ritual opportunity letters now prefer pointing to altars and ideograms before ritual spots. Fix: Empty caskets aren’t claimable. Fix: Research bench & techprints don't respect allowed area. Fix: Ability cooldown text cutoff in windowed mode. Fix: Deathresting pawns don't display life threatening hediff alerts. Fix: Firefoam pop pack: Wrong stat name and description. Fix: Mech rechargers don't count as artificial. Fix: Colonist backstories getting generated on any pawns. Fix: Pen marker nutrition calculation not working in some circumstances. Fix: KillThirst persona weapon thought not translatable. Fix: Column style variants are visually squished. Fix: Pawns can hack even with hacking stat disabled. Fix: Dates on history tab can be cut off if too long. Fix: Multicell things beauty counted once per cell. Fix: Float menu error if construction is blocked by trees marked for extraction. Fix: Desired color not saved if apparel has not been colored before. Fix: Goodwill from guest average mood not being applied. Fix: JobDriver_Meditate.Notify_Starting doesn't check if the psychic entropy tracker exists. Fix: High tech level faction pawns can generate with tribalwear and other neolithic-only apparel to satisfy warmth requirements. Fix: Targeting gizmos now deselect any active designators. Fix: Headgear apparel doesn't check canBeGeneratedToSatisfyWarmth flag. Fix: Prisoners can start social fights with non-prisoners. Fix: Unable to strip prisoners that were quest lodgers. Fix: God Mode Toggle causing issues selecting Pawns in the Top Bar. Fix: Simple meal gizmo doesn't display correct texture. Fix: Pawn name changes spacing on biosculptor pod when zooming camera in and out. Fix: Inconsistencies with random graphics when installing minified buildings Fix: Empire hostile to beggar temp factions. Fix: Exception feeding a baby which died during feeding. Fix: Randomized graphics not maintained across blueprint -> frame -> building Fix: Line color inconsistency between drum/campfire link and light ball/speaker link. Fix: Art bench: The word "make" is missing for ideoligion sculptures. Fix: Error trying to breastfeed a baby inside a gene extractor. Fix: Mech cluster mortars can be roofed over without any penalty. Fix: Sanguophage meetings sometimes skip implantation. Fix: Red error attempting to plant held Gauranlen pod. Fix: DeleteSpawnedPawns() in Autotests_ColonyMaker missing null check. Fix: Gather for childbirth gizmo showing on beds when ritual has already started. Fix: Sanguophages don't know how to react to hunters being captured. Fix: Line connecting pawn under combat command goes off map. Fix: Minor typo in ThreatReward_Manhunters_ItemPod. Fix: Fixed pawns praying during labor interrupting the ritual. Fix: 'Push heat' debug command doesn't do increments; all options do the maximum. Fix: Small volume ingredients (gold) as smelting products don't have small volume multipliers applied. Fix: Errors when social fight interrupts dyeing clothing. Fix: Duplicate "respected if guilty" execution precept in inhuman meme. Fix: Prevent colonists from eating at a fogged table. Fix: Colony mechs ignore mortar shell settings. Fix: Doctors now ignore medicine restrictions when draft tending with medicine from their inventory. Fix: Hyperlinks on research screen drawn out of bounds, causing performance impact with larger unlock lists. Fix: Lesson giving reservation bug. Fix: Prisoner interaction mode is reset upon being released. Fix: Traders spawn with incorrect food need value. Fix: Collapsing from exhaustion no longer throws error if the pawn can't reserve the cell. Fix: Berserk warcalled animals will not attack hostile turrets. Fix: Fire spew can shoot through walls. Fix: Error when recalculating ideoligion diversity on a save that had other expansions added after the start. Fix: Filters not applied correctly on ingredients/products in recipe tooltip. Fix: Invalid spectate cells can be picked when the ritual room is too small. Fix: Recalculate product counts more reliably. Fix: Fence gates now prefer to connect to fences. Fix: Babies are not dropped after breastfeeding completion if the breastfeeder is downed. Fix: Shooting projectiles phase through walls if the distance to target is less than 5 tiles. Fix: Perfect immunity doesn't block gut worms or muscle parasites. Fix: Pawns with genetic drug needs aren't getting mothballed. Can improve performance in late-game saves. Fix: Favorite/ideoligion color thoughts not occuring with exactly 60% colored apparel. Fix: Off loudspeakers are now counted correctly when determining ritual quality. Fix: Blueprints now maintain the correct random graphic when being installed. Fix: Error during archonexus quest. Fix: In classic ideoligion mode, all pawns without override name generators will use the player faction's name generator. Fix: Beckon ability doesn’t wake up dormant mechs. Fix: Chemical genes affect tolerance buildup and addiction chance of all chemicals, not just the specified one. Fix: Overlapping damage/death sounds caused by clamped value in ExecutionUtility.ExecutionInt(). Fix: Building_GrowthVat doesn't set itself as allowedNutritionSettings parent in ExposeData(). Fix: Error trying to execute colonists after banishing them. Fix: Unstuffed gas mask doesn't have armor set up correctly. Fix: Addiction withdrawal effects are not listed in the hediff's tooltip. Fix: Power conduit frames appear below walls. Fix: Gene loss shock is healed before scars and injuries when using healing serum. Fix: Cannot release wild man after arrest. Fix: Various high tech research projects missing research bench requirements. Fix: Prisoners who were former colonists still follow what was set on their schedule tab. Fix: Ancient danger/ruins spawning positions were based on top left corner instead of center. Spawning these should be more consistent. Fix: Auto selected caravan food not clamping to mass limit. Fix: Some ThingDefs, including meals, didn't display correct "created at" stat entries. These ThingDefs also display ingredients stat entries now. Fix: Error on pawn hatching from egg on caravan. Fix: Breastfeeding not clearing idle tag. Fix: Lines not being drawn between facilities. Caused by correcting red line drawn between potentially supplanted facilities. Fix: Pawns other than the bestowing target can be set as the target. They are able to leave and cause the bestower to stay until they collapse. Fix: Double checking for heat stroke and hypothermia in bestowing ceremony lord. Fix: Spray attacks can't target open door cells. Fix: Acid and foam spray affected cells don't take into account leaning past cover. Fix: Colonist is given a random faction when carried and then Farskipped to the same map tile. Fix: Making baby food at campfires ignores work restrictions. Fix: Dessicated squirrel corpses have north/south graphics flipped. Fix: Mechanoids on caravans may throw an "out of bounds" error when trying to automatically shutdown on arrival if the landing zone is crowded. Fix: Draw quest info minimized in character card if it would stack to 3 lines. Fix: Temporary factions not in map attack target cache. Fix: Unrecruitable pawns from slave purchases can join as colonists. Fix: Colonists unable to mine walls while standing on furniture. Inconsistent with other work givers. Fix: Fix error when projectile tries to hit a pawn that has just changed map. Fix: Wrong save mode for inSignalsRemovePawn. Fix: Medicineless hemogen extraction recipe brings blood loss up to 65%. Fix: Light mechs have sensors and arms described as "left" and "right", even though they don't have multiples. Fix: Priority work not clearing for hauling Fix: On colonist selection, wasters and hussars are currently generating without their drug dependencies. Fix: Pawns can die from going from extreme -> serious toxic buildup due to consciousness differences. Fix: Exception while recalculating various thoughts for passing ship pawns. Fix: Hemogen farm does not take into account brain damage consciousness reduction. Fix: Hemogen extraction done without medicine has less blood loss than extraction done with industrial medicine. Fix: Handle scenarios where items set to load are null Fix: Seek safe temperature jobs don’t respect a pawn’s allowed area. Fix: Rot stink gas doesn't cause lung rot without Biotech. Fix: Uncaptured pawns now have the “No meds” medical care setting. Fix: Dev quickstart adds factions that are supposed to be replaced by others. Eg pirates by pirate wasters. Fix: Default faction type doesn't set faction if it was replaced by another. (eg. Pirate waster can replace pirate) Fix: Waster pawn kinds default to normal pirate faction. Fix: Frame version of shelves missing copy and paste settings. Fix: Error when changing a sanguophage to a baby on scenario setup. Fix: Pawns can be rescued in rituals. Fix: Required roles can leave rituals. Fix: Mech slag not maintaining graphic index over saves. Fix: Public Execution Ritual error. Fix: Incorrect execution part selected. Deathless pawns have their brains targeted. Fix: Abilities are used during duels. Fix: Error when trying to generate a quest with no colony. Fix: Small increments of pawn speed differences are lost due to integer calculations. Very quick and quick genes were effectively the same on an otherwise unmodified pawn. Fix: Can tend to temporarily hostile refugees. Fix: Caravan errors if pawn can path but animal cannot. Fix: "Herder" childhood backstory doesn't have any animal skill. Fix: Animal pen auto cut not working in some circumstances. Fix: ShootBeam was updating the current path when trying to draw highlights, which would cause a beam ability to change direction mid-fire. Fix: Dev palette error with mental breaks on the bar and no colony. Fix: Non optional materials selectable in bill details. Eg. components. Fix: The "run wild" mental break can occur on unwaveringly loyal pawns, causing them to be tameable. Fix: Error with custom mechanoids with talking ability attempting to give/receive lessons without skills component. Fix: Shuttle fly distance inconsistent between calling from caravan vs calling from map. Fix: Pawns participating in duels can equip weapons they are otherwise unable to do so (bladelinked, biocoded, bonded, etc). Fix: Charged abilities can be cast via queuing into negative charges. Fix: Error with mechanitor corpses causing gizmos to be hidden. Fix: Secondary use item targets are reserved when first ordering usage. Fix: Herd migration ignoring pollution. Fix: Wardens with nil suppress rate get stuck suppressing. Fix: Can't force target mortar without shell. Fix: Pawn duty being cleared during childbirth. Fix: Add appropriate work to make tox packs. Fix: Fire spew ability not leaning like other ranged attacks. Fix: Required hediffs and traits of thoughts not working together causing thought to not be present when it should be. Fix: Wearing human leather apparel thought not properly nullified by ideoligion precepts. Fix: Drug dependency endogenes aren't properly being overridden by other drug-related xenogenes of the same chemical. Fix: Error when trying to construct a watermill generator with water check cells out of bounds of map in god mode. Fix: Drafted pawns now respect forbidden doors. Fix: Disallowed filters are now checked before allowed filters. Fix: Hostile pawns can no longer be placed in beds. Fix: Speakers now show connection lines to lightballs. Fix: Faction goodwill not giving full reward. Fix: Name of Ideo ritual room keeps randomly changing from default to ideo worship room name. Fix: Hungry pawn undrafted on map edge can throw out of bounds error for ingest job. Fix: Non-fresh corpses no longer count towards days of food calculation in caravan dialog. Fix: Cast ability job fails if ability goes on cooldown. Fix: Potential error during throne speech. Fix: Stone bill menu text cutoff. Fix: Resurrected stillbirth thought remaining. Fix: Error placing hostile baby in bed. Fix: Extract skull job isn’t ended if designation is removed. Fix: Show disabled option if pawn is incapable of hauling to shuttle. Fix: The “leader” role for ideoligion in the “ideoligion system inactive” playthrough is not capitalized in the bio. Fix: Duplication of "sold slave" opinion offset if Ideology is active. Fix: Warcall animals not hostile to all threats. Fix: Error when placing a blueprint near the edge of the map. Fix: An animal being rescued / carried by a pawn cannot be assigned to a bed. Fix: Pawns cause 10 jobs in one tick when recovering from downed and trying to recover a dropped weapon that's currently on fire. Fix: Error when apocritons jump. Fix: Issues reserving spots for gatherings. Fix: Vitals monitor blueprint rotates backwards. Fix: Fences on the edge of the map cause an error when attempting to link out of bounds. Fix: Warning when reserving stack of food. Fix: Duels and misc ritual saving/loading. Fix: When a pawn that’s incapable of fire fighting is ordered to extinguish a fire, no right-click option shows up. Fix: Deliver food causing reservation errors rarely. Fix: Designations on minified things are maintained once they have been installed. Fix: Need meditation spot notification typo. Fix: Temporary factions can be selected for some quests. Fix: Mechs are able to open hermetic crates if multiple pawns are selected. Fix: Psychic bonds can form between two pawns that have the psychic bonding genes even if they are bonded to other people. Fix: Missing Ideology check for Beggars PawnKindDef. Fix: If there is no storage space for eggs in an egg box, there's no 'empty' option on the float menu at all. Fix: Empire hussar cataphracts for quests come with no go juice. Fix: Trader Kind things debug output appears incorrect. Fix: Springer of trap counts as instigator of explosion. Fix: Hide stack count warning when creating a caravan. Fix: Allow players to order colonists to take medical drugs from their inventory. Fix: Needs power overlay now respects draw offset. Fix: Assigned pawn is maintained on throne reinstall. Fix: Ideoligion presets with a single "random" style option don't adhere to normal style selection rules. Fix: Quest lodgers don't have their apparel locked properly. Fix: Disable work and add On Duty thought to helpers for raid reward quest. Fix: Blood loss hediff applying death on downed chance. Fix: Pawns aren't dropped when TakeToBed job is interrupted. Fix: Error when an animal gives birth on a caravan. Fix: Error in DoPaneContentsFor when trying to change allowed area on a baby that's being held. Fix: Pawn can't reserve bench next to another. Fix: NRE uninstalling loudspeaker. Fix: Pawns sometimes ignore manual work priorities, and will switch to lower-priority work mid-job. Fix: Pawns sharing seats on interaction cells. Fix: Clear designator selected area when changing map. Fix: Caravans set to rest are considered idle. Fix: Prisoner is forbidden after ritual finished and captured again. Fix: NullReferenceException when trying to print replant blueprint. Fix: Quest states 'the pigs will not do any work'. Pigs here referred to members of the pigskin faction. Fix: Hide the “tend without medicine” float menu option if the pawn is being carried. Fix: Teaching not giving passion thought. Fix: Hide allow fresh on butcher config. Fix: Stacking red error on bugged birth that won't end. Fix: Huge lag spikes due to skygazing. Fix: Transport pod crash refugees sometimes aren't downed. Fix: Prevent colony faction prisoners from participating in childbirth. Fix: Outdoor lighting in base generation doesn't follow the faction’s ideoligious style. Fix: If a pack animal's inventory is emptied when it's asleep, its sprite doesn't update until it wakes up. Fix: GenDrop trying to place things on filled cells. Fix: Shadows not affecting trees. Fix: 'Conversion resentment' gives separate instances instead of stacking. Fix: You can influence pawns during mental breaks by changing how they react to nearby enemies. Fix: Potential error while using comms console. Fix: Royal tribute collector gift mode displays but is useless/detrimental to use. Fix: Slaves in mental states (not rebelling) display "X is rebelling" on ideoligion ritual dialog. Fix: lastSleepDisturbedTick not saved. Fix: Generic work giver labels. Fix: Missing Steam app id for Biotech. Fix: Cancel jobs upon load if item forbidden. Fix: Rare music error when choosing a new song. Fix: Prisoners getting unsafe hemogen bill. Fix: End wick if explosive thing is despawned. Fix: Quest lodgers no longer count towards idle colonist count. Fix: Dev toggles on pawn log ITab display in large font. Fix: Beggar tense incorrect for "have accepted" gift. Fix: “Reduce will” not using the correct interaction. Fix: Mech gestators spawning mechs early. Fix: Blood loss doesn't show up in a colonist's health tab when viewed from the caravan embark setup. Fix: Marking carried animals for slaughter throws an error. Fix: Float rounding pawn generation error. Fix: Hediff_ChemicalDependency doesn't override CopyFrom(). Fix: Boomalope struck by lightning causes several errors as a corpse. Fix: Pawn doesn't get interrupted to join the marriage ceremony. Fix: Cleansweeper pathing to destroyed things on load. Fix: Skull and deathrest capacity serum have duplicate CompForbiddable. Fix: Fix death acidifier applying chemical burn to missing part. Fix: Torch blueprint fire size incorrect. Fix: Error on tox gas death. Fix: Can order pawns to consume food that's outside their allowed area. Fix: Option is given to have a pawn haul corpses reserved by wild animals for eating; clicking it does nothing. Fix: Arrested refugee joins faction upon release. Fix: NRE related to pyromaniacs wielding fire weapons. Fix: Pawns with royal permits can't trade/complete trade requests. Fix: Complexes not spawning terminals. Fix: Ideoligion persona weapon relics misnamed on thought label/description. Fix: Ship part crash incidents will still attempt to fire, causing error, if the mechanoid faction has been removed from the world. Fix: Errors on beginning conversion ritual. Fix: Animal flaps have a faint line in the center when open. Fix: "Traits sampled" debug output not discarding generated pawns, causing warning spam on save/load. Fix: Beards don't layer properly on thin head shapes. Fix: Ideoligion relic installation quest generated with errors. Fix: Monument building quest spawned with several red errors and broken details. Fix: NREs from colonists who don't need to eat. Fix: PawnFlyers disappear on load. Fix: Sandbags have a small pixelated border around them. Fix: Sunlamps do not have perfect area of effect leading to rotting crops. Fix: Direction arrow is on the wrong layer, gets covered by shadows, zones, and fog. Fix: Unfinished power line blueprints under walls go invisible once materials are delivered. Fix: Missing "create fluid" translation key. Fix: Prison breaking prisoners can be selected to be carried to biosculpters. Fix: Error when trying to reserve the same bed for resting. Fix: 'Destination' line is visible connecting to the bed of sleeping pawns. Fix: Paramedic mechs cannot tend to colonists in caravans. Fix: Adding temperature-specific clothes to a pawn does not check age, so modded child warm apparel can be given to adults, causing an error. Fix: Hidden faction information visible on inspect pane. Fix: Loading a save during public execution causes an error, ritual never completes. Fix: Pawns incapable of firefighting can be prioritized to fight fires. Fix: Reference collection not scribing nulls. Fix: Psycast meditation ending abruptly. Fix: Chemical dependency hediff severity cannot be edited via dev tools. Fix: Hair is partially layered beneath stockpiles. Fix: Gene extraction can be exploited via save/load. Fix: No PawnKinds example for raid quests. Fix: Bestowing quest broken if pawn unspawned. Fix: Hemogen packs trigger 'ate non-cannibal food' for sanguophage with cannibal precept. Fix: Bestower Ceremony Error - tried to add pawn to lord but this pawn is already a member of another. Fix: Error when a pawn is playing with a baby in some circumstances. Fix: Blackboard facility should have only three allowed max connections as learning logic allows only three blackboards to boost a school desk. Fix: Cannot search for creative reward names with spaces in them. Fix: "DEV: Complete" command doesn't work on unfinished things in some scenarios. Fix: Pawns digging out of map when they should not during kidnap duty. Fix: Interceptor shields break, causing long recharge, when hit by EMP damage instead of stunning them. Fix: Apparel covering just eyes does not count as "headgear" for pawn generation purposes. Fix: Hoopstone and horseshoe differ in sight capacity requirement. Fix: Sudden light level change at midnight at north pole colonies. Fix: Pawns may meditate with max joy and no psylink. Fix: Installing an archotech eye is seen as a surgical violation. Fix: Group loading horses into drop pods will assign more weight to one drop pod. Fix: “Take to stockpile” bill option resetting in certain circumstances. Fix: GauranlenPodSpawn incident uses OnOffCycle, which does not work properly if onDays or offDays changes. Fix: Constructing buildings sometimes has pawns facing the wrong direction. Fix: Stacked animals loaded into transport pod trigger error and won't be loaded. Fix: Downed mech can cause a mech raid site to stay active. Fix: BabyTalk not generated correctly for text with non-ASCII characters. Fix: Exception when trying to validate the “give birth” ritual gizmo with no beds present. Fix: Pawns at the map edge who get hit and tween towards the view rect edge disappear for a small duration. Fix: Increment time debug action causes errors for ended sustainer. Fix: Gibbet cage description mentions they are made of "steel" but can actually be made of any metal. Fix: Text size not reset after drawing inspect pane title for pawns with no inspect pane elements. Fix: Load stack count is incorrect for caravan ITab when there is only one thing in the transferable and the player isn't taking the whole stack. Fix: Error on corpse destruction when completedObligations is null. Fix: Pawns are able to take drugs from inventory if they have an ideoligion which prevents it. Fix: Plants dying to polluted terrain induce "died due rotting due to being left unharvested" message. Fix: Missing graphic in “begin ritual” window without ideology active. Fix: Firespew ability can't target walls. Fix: Pawns still carry a weapon after getting incapable of violence gene. Fix: Pawns incapable of violence still can use combat gene abilities Fix: Refugee pod quests don't affect charity-loving ideoligion members. Fix: Removed wastepack incident from occurring randomly. Fix: Prevent duplicate entries in precept tooltip. Fix: Hide "max satisfied title" on drugs without nutrition. |
RimWorld's Node-Based Pawn Rendering Overview This contains a brief overview of the node rendering system. Including the core types which make up the node render system Render Node Properties (PawnRenderNodeProperties) Data only. Used inside of xml to describe how something should render and can contain extra details specific to certain nodes. Can also be created dynamically in code. Render Tree Def (PawnRenderTreeDef) Data only. Defines how a specific race of pawns should be drawn. Contains a “root” node properties and its children, recursively. Render Node (PawnRenderNode) Most functions are called once when a pawn's graphics are dirtied. Some specific functions are called frequently by the render node worker. Creates the meshes and materials required to render a single piece of a pawn at any given time. Can have child Render Nodes, which inherit state. (Offset, rotation, scale, active, etc…) Core features Initializing meshes and materials for parallel rendering. Shortcuts to access data from the attached render node worker. Getting the color, shader, texture, mesh, given the render node properties and pawns state. Creating the graphic used by the worker to render the node. Notes While the render node typically uses one or zero graphics per node, you can create a node with as many graphics as you need, and then override AppendDrawRequests in the render node worker to add as many draw requests as you require. Render Node Worker (PawnRenderNodeWorker) Functions are called each time a pawn is drawn. Holds no data. All code inside is written to be performant and run each frame. Workers act on render nodes given the draw parameters of the pawn. Only one instance of each type of worker. Core features Decides if the node should be drawn. Pre and Post drawn events. Gets the offset, rotation, scale, pivot, and layer for the node to be drawn with. Gets the final material to render from the render node Appends the required draw requests onto the final list, using data and graphic/s within the render node and the pawn's current draw parameters. Render Sub Worker (PawnRenderSubWorker) Additive workers used to prevent mods from colliding with each other. Has similar functionality to Render Node Workers. These would be used if you want to change the position of a modded PawnRenderNodeProperties somewhere, for example. Animations Pawn animations can be defined in an AnimationDef. These define a dictionary of render node tags to animation parts along with several other properties. AnimationParts Can either define a list of keyframes or a custom worker class: Keyframes Define an offset, angle, scale, and tick offset from start. Values are then interpolated across the duration of the animation. AnimationWorker class Contain methods for getting the offset, angle & scale at the current tick, as well as a Draw method for any additional required graphics. Animation parts can also define a pivot to be rotated around. Animations can be started using the SetAnimation method in the pawn renderer. Nodes will then access the current animation and update their position/rotation/scale accordingly. Note: Animations disable pawn graphic caching, which can affect performance when many pawns are being animated while zoomed out.
New DrawAt(drawLoc) Draw() DrawAt(drawLoc, flip) DrawAtNow(drawLoc, flip) DynamicDrawPhaseAt(phase, drawLoc, flip) The first thing to note is that Draw() has been merged into DrawAt(). Any code which previously used Draw() to draw extra elements on things now needs to be put into DrawAt(). It behaves the same way, however you will be passed the drawLoc instead of using DrawPos to draw extra graphics.
EnsureInitialized - This is the first phase, it is called on the main thread to allow render node trees to prepare their nodes for parallel rendering, this is where nodes ensure that the materials and meshes they might need are created. Most node initialization code only runs once each time it’s dirtied, however you can override the methods or properties to change this and decide for yourself. ParallelPreDraw - This phase happens off the main thread. All the most expensive work for drawing is done here, calculating offsets, matrices, ect. The game state won’t change while this is occurring, so you can write code pretty much as you normally would, however you can’t do certain things like creating/accessing materials and meshes, so you need to do those beforehand in the previous stage. Draw - The final phase on the main thread. This is where we iterate over the previously created draw requests and draw the final graphics on screen accordingly. This is also where events will be called from appropriately.
Post 1.3.3066[edit]
Version/1.3.3101 for ancients?
- Faction ideologies
Psycaster outfits[edit]
COuld use a deep dive given the depth now with biofferite stacking and eltex. Torture crowns and helmets and plate armor ofering decent preootection and good psycasting. and NH and psysence being separate.
A comparison of differnent builds with psysense, NH, protection charts, etc
nees to be reflext on the idnividual oages as well in both the analysis and summary with a standardized possibly templatized summary.
Head | Body | Utility | Weapon |
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titles have lore in their descriptions finish books item overhaul
Psylink lore[edit]
Idk if it'll be useful, but its an interesting distilation of the lore on psycasts. Might bear sourcing and inserting an cut down version into lore Psylink desc since upated see psycasts#lore
As a physical phenomenon in the brain, psylink is poorly-understood by scientists, not least because it seems to actively conceal itself if studied too closely. One thing most agree on is that it somehow connects people to archotechs and harnesses their power, possibly through some sort of negotiation or sympathy mechanism."
Did archotech AIs invented psychic powers in the rimworld universe? Or Did it always exist in it? Is this a reference to the shroud or warp since it can't be understood by normal scientist? What are your theories or thoughts on it?
It is deliberately left vague. Per the lore document, some believe that archotechs have discovered a method to manipulate quantum interactions from a distance and use this as the basis for their seemingly fantastical abilities. Others believe that they manipulate the noosphere, but that's not a particularly useful theory for teleporting rocks so we'll ignore it here.
So of these abilities, vanometric (i.e. above unity) energy and psychic abilities are the big ones. Prior to Royalty, the psychic effects were only mental/telepathic abilities but if the process is achieved by mechanically changing the structure of a brain rather than "manipulating consciousness itself" then that limitation is arbitrary and applying the same technology to extracting energy from the quantum foam makes more sense if its all from the same source.
Psylink apparently lets you access this mechanism. Whether psylink is just an access card into their "quantum manipulator" like borrowing someones tools, or it requires some deeper connection to the archotechs themselves/their consciousness and not just their tools is up in the air.
Did archotech AIs invented psychic powers in the rimworld universe? Or Did it always exist in it?
Yes to both. They invented psychic powers in the same way that Yukawa "invented" the strong nuclear force or Newton "invented" gravity. Or maybe its closer to how Marconi/Hertz/Hughes/Whoever invented the radio. They discovered a physical reality of the universe and how it works and then built a system/mechanism/process to exploit that reality to do something useful with it.
Pages in need of integration[edit]
- Banish
- Category:Status Level - integration into drugs, beds, chairs, sculptures, etc, as well as nav box for them.
- Collapsed_rocks
- Blindsight
- Saturation
- Mountain
- Training
- Ruins
- Blight
- Insectoids/Infestation/Raids
- Integrate Caravan into teh nav menu and wiki at large.
- Doctoring needs to be better integrated into the rest of rest of the wiki, maybe even added to the nav box.
- Merge/interlink this unholy mess of pages:
- Updated Faction base and link it better into the rest of the wiki
- Stone chunk and Steel slag chunk
- Category:Status Level and its subsidaries
- Glow pod
- Overdose
- Corpse
- The fact that PlantHarvestYield stat above 100% gives a bonus to yield needs to be mentioned in relevant places. e.g. in anaylses sayting that hihg skill planters should do the harvesting.
- Hunt and Animals#Hunting and Manhunter and wb the distance to the target and hunting stealth?
Investigation TODO[edit]
Would it be worth it to swap the ranged weapon quality table on the pages with the one from the comparison tables, just with the page's weapon already enabled. This would let you just add the weapons you want to compare to the tool already on the page? IF YOU READ THIS PLEASE WEIGH IN.
- I think that the boxes for selecting all the weapons is very large and/or distracting. Unless you make use of horizonal space, I wouldn't agree with doing it (and even then). Hordes (talk) 01:34, 30 January 2023 (UTC)
- The current size of the control panel is only as it is because theres no real reason to fix it for whats nominally my personal use, but it can be shrunk down. As a quick and very rough proof of concept:
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- Things like icon size, intro text, control size, orientation, positioning etc can all be tweaked. Heck it can be integrated directly into the main table. The question is more whether the functionality itself is useful. Harakoni (Wiki Moderator) (talk) 04:45, 30 January 2023 (UTC)
- Mortals: Is there anything anywhere about drugging children and their safe dose intervals? Khitrir: Nah Har and I have been talking about that - theres only the bit on tolerance being inverse proportional to body size. We wanna do a full thing on body size inc severity changes, tolerance, dosage times, but its being put off until all the biotech stuff is up
- Purpose of:
- Khitrir's suggestions:
- Damage types maybe? I know there was some progress on that but idk how complete it is.
- How heat mechanics work, generally and with heat pushers. There are some numbers so you can go "x is better than y" but no way to convert that to "how many to heat a room"
- There's a bunch of questions about how ideoligion conversions work - the different weights for different traits and things for both conversion and for the mental break.
- How wind and weather correlate, and how weather is selected
- Food foraging on caravans maybe?
- Can you extract a hemogen pack from someone in a deathless coma, do they regen bloodloss when they're malnourished, and does malnourishment kill deathless pawns? A juice box you don't have to feed?
- Does nutrifungus grow at the same rate as a normal light using plant - other low light plants grow wierd
- Does tortured artist get inspos from catatonia. says no.
- You used to be able to use beckon to move sleeping mechanoids - they'd move, an then go back to sleep. Is this still the case?
- age does affect with body part health. Young pawns have less hp
- Robust digestion gene and insect jelly synergy.
- "does this mean chem int slaves don't take drugs because they don't recreate?"
- Reports that Tough and Robust gene affects damage taken by shields?
- <mechanitorApparel>true</mechanitorApparel> ?
- Category:Images - Background
- How do siege mortars and auto mortars target and prosecute their firing?
- Investigate Pain shock threshold items for psycasters - use it to get nueral heat loss but reduce the penalty from pain.
- Investigate the Ideology polyamory/polycule bedroom mechanics and put on page. Is it a change in the DLC or is it in Core to support the DLC like other systems? In etiher case, does it now mean that you don't need a two person bed and can move two singles in?
- Based on a reddit post: If an Ideoligion forbids unmarried lovers you can use this mechanic and place two single beds in a room to avoid the "Want to sleep together" moodlet without having them do lovin', and they won't get the barracks mod.
- My understanding is that pawns with an ideoligion that forbids unmarried lovers won't have the "want to sleep together moodlet".
- This seems to happen when one pawn's ideoligion allows premarital relations and the other doesn't.
- Investigate the bonus from dark combat ideo - if it is post all other factors, it could redeem the LMGdue to its high optimal DPS.
- Difference/exact relationship between Hunger Rate Multiplier, hungerRateFactor, and Hunger Rate Factor Offset, and clarification of which affects what. Malnutrition is HRFO, gourmand is HRF etc.
- Risk of going manhunter on hunting. It is based on distance afaik but it should be confirmed. See also hunting stealth
- Random breakdowns/maintenance where the item needs a component to fix it. Is this detailed anywhere? Broken down links to repair chance. Events#Breakdown:_.28Machine.29 also exists. Should have identify what can break down, how the mechanics works, create a template for addition to summary on the pages of the affected items to detail the effects. Rate of incidence needed
- As part of their category reform project, Ickputzdirwech has removed the Category:Buildings from all pages. Investigate whether this will cause issues with future #ask requirements
- Plants#Types_of_plants - I thought that domesticated/decorative/etc came from the game. Where are they? Or has that been removed? Check.
- User:Crystalline Cat very pretty display
- Investigate (Slave) Rebellion mental break? Separate to other rebellion mechanics?
- Does removing the tongue of an abrasive pawn a neutralize all penalties in exchange for the mood debuff? Is removing the jaw a viable alternative?
- "bionics are attached to the shoulder thus bionic arms improve the efficiency of flak vests" - true or false?
- Whether sacrificing sharp armor of thrumbo shirt and pants is worth it to get the better heat armor of devilstrand when wearing something like cataphract - does the fact you're only still getting hit by a a small fraction of the sharp DPS make up for the loss.
- Prisoners can use insanity lances and orbital targetters - investigate their use by enemies and other NPCs
- Bonasai trees seem to be better than fibercorn in basically every way you'd use fibercorn. More wood in pots than even fibercorn in hydro, less mats to make pots than a hydro and no power, same light requiremnts. etc.
- Hay and kibble seems to be trash - hay stacks to 200 rather than 75 and can't e used for meals, but otherwise is identical to corn, but corn plants require the same work to sow and harvest but provide a better yeild (22 vs 18), making them more work efficient. They grow less per day so size limitation has some merit. FERTILITY SENSITIVITY NEEDS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR THE PRIOR TWO ISSUES MAYBE REDEMPTION IS FOUND THERE. Kibble doesn't spoil but if you have the power, just give animals an animal flap fridge and nutrient paste. Even feeding ducks with their overflow is probably more efficient with NP over expensive low efficiency kibble (check tho)
- User:Gottoni/User_guide/Optimal_bedroom_size_study
- Social impact effect on conversion.
- Body heat
- megascarabs ignoring melee blocking?
- How does recreation power convert to recreation time?
- Slavery - use capes as alternative to dusters where they're necessary for temp resist as capes apparently don't have suppression loss rate increase?
- Investigate effect of tongue removal on annoying voice, abrasive, kind, misogynyst and misandrist traits. Should definitely negate social effects of all but the first by disabling kind and insulting words, but may not be coded to remove penalty from the first.
- Investigate AutoWikiBrowser and MsUpload
- Investigate Template:RNG
- Investigate Base Hunger Rate is multiplied by 1.6 for animals for some reason?
- Investigate Template: Version
- Investigate Sculptures giving solitary recreation - it is claimed that "legendary sculpture will fill rec meter almost instantly." Needs confirmation.
- Investigate better tomb rooms for the sarcophagus giving better solitary recreation. Needs confirmation.
- Investigate sarcophagus giving a mood boost
- Investigate if pawns with 0% Hearing can be insulted. Could it be a way to negate the downside of bloodlust on non-social pawns?
- field hand + elbow blade?
- Investigate EMI Dynamo destruction causing unconsciousness brain implanted pawns
- Investigate animal haulers not triggering proximity activators for mortar shell plant
- Investigate effect of emp and mortars (on top of and next to) on broadshield packs
- Investigate Using beckon not waking mech clusters.
- Investigate if beautiful colonists get better trade prices, and ugly colonists get bad trade prices.
- Investigate why End tables don't inherit the ability to eat on them from TableBase, is it because they lack the <compClass>CompGatherSpot</compClass>?
- Investigate Injury implies that beds add heal rate, This needs better investigation and integration with pages such as Hospital bed. It also implies a use for Animal beds - namely that it helps animals heal faster.
- Investigate if the table on Long range mineral scanner is incorrect - the code at RimWorld\Data\Core\Defs\Sites\Parts\PreciousLump.xml seems to imply that the the produce should have a totalValueRange between 3500 silver and 5000 silver. If that is the case, the values for several BUT NOT ALL of the entries are currently wrong.
- Investigate inspiration freq vs mood graph
- FixSomeBugs reported this issue:
NOTE: Currently, the display of these stats is broken on the wiki. There are two properties here: Property:Insulation_-_Cold_Base, the base temperature offset, and Property:Insulation_-_Cold_Factor, the % by which we scale the base offset to get the final value for a clothing item. Unfortunately, prior to B19 (I think that's when it changed), clothing had the base value (e.g. 15°C) while textiles had the factor (e.g. 0.75). As of 1.0, textiles have the offset (e.g. Hyperweave has 26°C), while clothing has the factor (e.g. tuques have 0.5). Thus, a normal hyperweave tuque has a cold insulation of 13°C. We should find a way to either fix the display of the relevant stats, or flip the actual semantic properties between the items.
- The places where the Saturation levels are placed seems to be determined by the diet of the animal in question, however there are inconsistencies that can't be explained. Why are sheep and horses different? Why are juvenlies different? There is info commented out, edit to see
- User:LaMizzy/Category Overhaul
- Pawn lists need updating - a lot have BeltDefensePop added now to get the firefoam pop now.
- Factions - xenotype breakdowns
- <weaponClasses>
- xenotype pawn and faciton name generation.
- Clothing comparison table:
- Several entries have set values because they're not stuffable, others have multipliers beccause they are. Put a range for each of the values? E.g. T shirt hot insulation = 0.1x (+0.9 °C - +2.6 °C). The indetification of the best for each stat for each item can be automated.
- Value/x entries have no context and do a poor job of explaining what the specific values mean. Previously there was a Profitiablity table. Perhaps this should be resurrected and seperated out from the main table? Either way context is needed
- How apparel is chosen by pawns automatically - JobGiver_OptimizeApparel maybe ?
- Psycasters aiming time build and references. Trigger happy + Hypersensitive is probably the best trait build combined with what? Shoot spec?
- Nav template reform: turn Template: Nav into callable template and have the different nav types call it. WOuld make it mcuh easier to add new ones, and edit existing ones.
- In the wiki for autodoors it mentions speed, and has a little video for it. It makes me wonder what the top speed is for a pawn before the door speed slows you down.
- Health has detail that should be migrated to its subsidary pages.
- a pawn's skin armor rating(e.g. turtle or from the gland implants) still protects body parts replaced by artificial body parts, even if they would not logically have skin. This is likely to prevent them from being a detriment to survivability. This is on the gland pages, but currently there are no artificial body parts for animals, so should it be on those pages? Is it relelvant?
- Animal nutritional calcs depend on the difficulty. On losing is fun, meat yield is reduced to 80%, milk is not. This means cows are significantly better on higher difficulties. CHECK CONCLUSION.
- a bad quality piano still sounds nice for those listening, and pawns play it longer due to slow rectime
- Doomdropping - drop pod emergency doomsday
- Sounds see dromedary
- Rest fall rate page and integration into Rest
- Add the green and red templates to the moodlet pages
- It takes 6,500 ticks (1.81 mins) of work to smooht stone walls
- Recreation summaries with skills etc - see horseshoe pin.
- Brazier has some info on wood/day, heat push, heat max, light. Should be on torch lamp, campfire, heater, etc.
- Weather table, and Wind turbine's subset, might need updating. Find exact mechanics of windSpeedFactor and windSpeedOffset
- Version history up to Version/0.14.1234
Version/0.7.581 Version/0.14.1234 Version/0.15.1279 Version/0.15.1284 Version/0.16.1393 Version/0.17.1546 Version/0.18.1722 Version/0.19.2009 Version/1.0.0 Version/1.1.0 Version/1.1.2257 Version/1.1.2258 Version/1.1.2559 Version/1.1.2562 Version/1.1.2564 Version/1.1.2565 Version/1.1.2566 Version/1.1.2567 Version/1.1.2571 Version/1.1.2575 Version/1.1.2579 Version/1.1.2589 Version/1.1.2598 Version/1.1.2610 Version/1.1.2618 Version/1.1.2624 Version/1.1.2647 Version/1.1.2654 Version/1.2.2719 Version/1.2.2753 Version/1.2.2900 Version/1.2.3005 Version/1.3.3066 Version/1.3.3067 Version/1.3.3069 Version/1.3.3072 Version/1.3.3074 Version/1.3.3076 Version/1.3.3080 Version/1.3.3087 Version/1.3.3101 Version/1.3.3117
- Redo the rigger happy vs normal vs careful shooter DPS analyses. From reddit: a "skill 10 user [with a chain shotgun] at max range (where the penalty from TH is at its absolute highest) has 90% the single target DPS vs a untraited pawn but still has 125% of the crowd DPS. By skill 14, a trigger happy pawn is flat superior with the chain shotgun at every range." i.e. e.g. is (shooting accuracy with TH^max range)/(shooting accuracy^max range) * {Cooldown + Warmup with TH)/{Cooldown + Warmup) > 1 for skill level X. Tables maybe? And only at max range? Can't generalize it as easy as "its always better at X skill" as it's been used previously.
- once Field hand and Plant work speed have their math sussed out, analyse effect of archotech arms (manip affects both PWS and Plant Harvest Yield) vs field hands. Likely always better to just sow a larger field of crops with the extra work time to make up for smaller yield, but for some plants (e.g. trees) at some skill levels, may be beneficial to have field handed planter sow, and arhcotech armed harvest harvest? Investigate.
The odd ones out have known numbers; verify and reset.
Release Type | Version Number | Version Type | Release Date | Additional Comment |
Public | 1.0.2059 | Release | 2018.10.17 | Release 1.0 |
Public | 0.19.2009 | Beta | 2018.08.28 | Beta 19 |
Public | 0.18.1722 | Beta | 2017.11.18 | Beta 18 |
Public | 0.17.1557 | Alpha | 2017.06.03 | Alpha 17B |
Public | 0.17.1546 | Alpha | 2017.05.24 | Alpha 17 |
Public | 0.16.1393 | Alpha | 2016.12.20 | Alpha 16 |
Public | 0.15.1284 | Alpha | 2016.09.02 | Alpha 15C |
Public | 0.15.1280 | Alpha | 2016.08.29 | Alpha 15B |
Public | 0.15.1279 | Alpha | 2016.08.28 | Alpha 15 |
Public | 0.14.1249 | Alpha | 2016.07.29 | Alpha 14E |
Public | 0.14.1241 | Alpha | 2016.07.21 | Alpha 14D |
Public | 0.14.1238 | Alpha | 2016.07.19 | Alpha 14C |
Public | 0.14.1236 | Alpha | 2016.07.18 | Alpha 14B |
Public | 0.14.1234 | Alpha | 2016.07.15 | Alpha 14 |
Public | 0.13.1135 | Alpha | 2016.04.06 | Alpha 13 |
Public | 0.12.906 | Alpha | 2015.08.21 | Alpha 12 |
Public | 0.11.877 | Alpha | 2015.06.10 | Alpha 11 |
Public | 0.10.785 | Alpha | 2015.04.15 | Alpha 10 |
Public | 0.9.722 | Alpha | 2015.02.18 | Alpha 9 |
Public | 0.8.657 | Alpha | 2014.12.15 | Alpha 8 |
Public | 0.7.581 | Alpha | 2014.10.01 | Alpha 7 |
Public | 0.6.532 | Alpha | 2014.08.13 | Alpha 6 |
Silent | 0.5.496B | Alpha | 2014.07.14 | Alpha 5D |
Quiet | 0.5.496 | Alpha | 2014.07.07 | Alpha 5C |
Public | 0.5.492B | Alpha | 2014.07.06 | Alpha 5B |
Public | 0.5.492 | Alpha | 2014.07.04 | Alpha 5 |
Public | 0.4.460 | Alpha | 2014.06.01 | Alpha 4 |
Public | 0.3.410 | Alpha | 2014.04.11 | Alpha 3 |
Public | 0.2.363 | Alpha | 2014.02.26 | Alpha 2 |
Public | 0.1.334 | Alpha | 2014.01.27 | Alpha 1 |
Internal | Internal 0.1.334 | Alpha | 2014.01.26 | |
Internal | Internal 0.1.333 | Alpha | 2014.01.25 | |
Internal | Internal 0.1.332 | Alpha | 2014.01.24 | |
Internal | Internal 0.1.331 | Alpha | 2014.01.23 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.330B | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.22 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.330 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.22 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.329 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.21 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.328 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.20 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.327 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.19 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.325 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.17 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.324 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.16 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.323 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.15 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.322 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.14 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.321 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.13 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.320 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.12 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.318 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.10 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.317B | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.09 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.317 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.08 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.314 | Pre-Alpha | 2014.01.06 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.294 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.12.17 | |
Public | 0.0.254B | Pre-Alpha | 2013.11.07 | Pre-Alpha Backer 2 |
Internal | Internal 0.0.254 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.11.07 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.253c | Pre-Alpha | 2013.11.06 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.253b | Pre-Alpha | 2013.11.06 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.253 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.11.06 | |
Public | 0.0.250 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.11.03 | Pre-Alpha Backer 1 |
Internal | Internal 0.0.250 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.11.03 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.249a | Pre-Alpha | 2013.11.02 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.248 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.11.01 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.247 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.10.31 | |
Public | 0.0.245 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.10.29 | Pre-Alpha Press Release 2 |
Internal | Internal 0.0.245 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.10.29 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.243 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.10.27 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.241 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.10.25 | |
Internal | Internal 0.0.240 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.10.24 | |
Public | 0.0.232 | Pre-Alpha | 2013.10.16 | Pre-Alpha Press Release 1 |
New seats projects[edit]
- Kneel pillow
- Kneel sheet (tiny cover - cover baiting?)
- Pew
Mental breaks[edit]
- Mental break#Social drug binge
- Mental break#Psychotic wandering (Daze)
- Mental break#Psychotic wandering (Daze) Short
- Mental break#Tantrum
- Mental break#Sadistic rage
- Mental break#Corpse obsession
- Mental break#Fire starting spree
- Mental break#Hard drug binge
- Mental break#Jailbreaker
- Mental break#Slaughterer
- Mental break#Murderous rage
- Mental break#Run wild
- Mental break#Confusion
- Mental break#Social fighting
- Mental break#Fleeing in panic
- Mental break#Manhunter
Old sprites[edit]
- File:TableTailor.png
- File:Cecropia tree.png
- File:Herbal medicine.png
- File:Glitterworld medicine.png
- File:Club.png
- File:GreatBow.png
- File:FragGrenades.png
- File:Molotov.png
- File:Elephant tusk.png
- File:Chemfuel.png
- File:High-explosive shell.png
- File:Ship computer core.png
- File:EquipmentRack.png
- File:Equipment rack.png
- File:Fueled_Stove.jpg
- Finish updating textiles:
- Update:
- Add:
- Thoughts/IdeoBuilding (Ideology)
- Thoughts/IdeoRaiding (Ideology)
- Thoughts/IdeoRole (Ideology)
- Thoughts/Memory Misc (Ideology)
- Thoughts/Memory Social (Ideology)
- Thoughts/Memory Terror (Ideology)
- Thoughts/Ritual (Ideology)
- Thoughts/Ritual Quality (Ideology)
- Thoughts/Situation Social (Ideology)
- Thoughts/Situational (Ideology)
- Persona weapon#Psychic hypersensitizer
- Persona weapon#Psychic sensitizer
- Persona weapon#Psychic quiet
- Persona weapon#Psychic fog
- Persona weapon#Kind thoughts
- Persona weapon#Calm thoughts
- Persona weapon#Mad muttering
- Persona weapon#Mad wailing
- Persona weapon#Kill-happy
- Persona weapon#Kill-sorrow
- Persona weapon#Kill thirst
- Persona weapon#Psy-meditative
- Persona weapon#Painless
- Persona weapon#Neural cooling
- Persona weapon#Freewielder
Standardize to File:Friendly_Fire_Radii.png. Mostly contrast and lighting is the issue.
- File:Frag_grenade_range.png
- File:Gauranlen_tree_exclusion_radius.png
- File:Roof_rimworld.jpg
- File:PhoenixArmorAOE.png
- File:Grenades melee block.png
- File:Grenades corridor.png
- File:Molotov cocktails.png
- File:Rocketswarm_blast.png
- File:Melee block door.png
Use styling station to get nice images of all pawnkinds.
- Extract crashed ship parts for Lore page and sections. Add Charlton Whitestone to the lore page. Ancient warspider remains, Ancient warsprinter remains,
- Ancient warwalker claw
- Ancient warwalker foot
- Ancient warwalker leg
- Ancient warwalker shell
- Ancient warwalker torso,
- Lore from the Abasia and Blood Rot cure descriptions, from the Fibrous mechanites and Sensory mechanites descriptions
- Archotech lore page inc archotech body parts.
- machine persona ethics committees
<butcherBodyPart> <bodyPartGroup>TuskAttackTool</bodyPartGroup> <thing>ElephantTusk</thing> <allowFemale>false</allowFemale> </butcherBodyPart>
<bulletStaggerDelayTicks>120</bulletStaggerDelayTicks> <bulletStaggerSpeedFactor>0.2</bulletStaggerSpeedFactor> <bulletStaggerIgnoreBodySize>true</bulletStaggerIgnoreBodySize> <bulletStaggerEffecterDef>TunnelerSlowedDown</bulletStaggerEffecterDef>
Infobox Updates[edit]
- True DPS.
- Diet. Better differentition, display and integration of the actual options. Tweak nutrition and saturation as needed. Alos check animal tables to aboid breaking tempaltes
- Energy requirements
- Would be nice if the bionics explicitly listed their attachment point on their pages
- Drug stats to prevent having to set dozens of variables over the article. Also allow the display of the average high duration in the infobox.
- Artificial body part part efficiecny?
- mechanoids should have their shred returns mentioned in their infoboxc like butchery.
- Searhc in stuff tags " " + <stuff tags> = the first word will always start at 1 not 0?
- |imagesize = 192px
- Biosculpter takes 200W when on, 50W when off. Wind tubrine varies from 0 - 3250W, should this display?
- Implement Ingredient List but for stuffable - i.e. this list of items is stuffable with metallics, this one with stony etc. and then link each metal, stone, wood etc to their respecitve type.
- General clean up cleanup. Weapons especially.
- Change wool, milk, and eggs to generic products now that theres so many things that produce things that aren't either - boomalopes, medicinemakers, berry makers, etc
- User:NotBadCat#Trying_New_Version_of_Animal_Stats_box
- To add
- Automatically add types to categories?
- Scale image with the size ingame? As in if its 3x2 in game, scale it so that its 3x larger than a normal image? Might be a way to stndarzie on an image szie
- Move speed penalty for Armor?
- Fuel? Type, amount stored, consumption/day.
- How should we handle extra effects of weapons - EMP damage on Zeushammer, Fire on Plasmasword, Toxic Buildup on Venom Fangs/Talons and how should we display them on tables without messing with automated math. Should we just add new "special damage", "special damage type" and "special damage DPS" categories to infobox? Or is that bloating and already full infobox? Should it just be in the article? Then automated comparison tables won't display it.
- Template talk:Infobox main STDT tables don't play nice with infoboxes. Wikitables do. Why? How fix? Fix. Jimyoda is working on it.
- There is a partial fix with the use of the external tags, but its still not ideal
- The difference seems to be in how the "table" and "wikitable" classes are defined.
- Table seems to be defined at MediaWiki:Common.css but I can't find any definition anywhere for wikitable to compare.
Feed back Needed!(If you're reading this, please weigh in)[edit]
- Finding information on natural walls is current unintuitive or outright unavailable. Atm I've created a section on the Structures page but this is not great - while it puts it next to the other walls, its not an intuitive place to find that information. This is largely because of the initial structure of the wiki to match the menu structure. This is causing issues with things such as where to place uncraftable items such as Vanometric power cells. But back on topic:
- Should we create superpages for each stone type? With the stats for the wall, blocks and stone chunk all on one page
- Should we abandon the menu-inspired nav structure? (Ultimately likely to be better, but a massive project)
- This I think is a good idea regardless of the current topic, since it would allow a more intuitive structure of the overall wiki preventing the occasional "ow there's 3 different pages about fire". Maybe good to have design first so we can see how much can be recycled (which I hope is a lot) and to see where the biggest gain is.Jiquera (talk) 12:19, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
Common errors[edit]
Feel free to add more that you feel are common (i.e. likely to show up on multiple pages after a few months without culling)
- - not incorrect spelling, but usually used wrong.
Event Banners[edit]
It is this day 02-09 and there are 4 automated banners.
![]() | Please note, RimWorld was recently Refused Classification in Australia. Refused games cannot be sold, hired, advertised or legally imported in Australia.
As such it has been removed from the Steam store in that location. Preexisting owners remain unaffected. Due to this removal, there have been reports that the statement released by Ludeon on this event may not be available to all players. For convenience, it is replicated here Polite complaints to the Australian Classification Board can be submitted by Australian residents here. |
RimWorld Console Edition is here! Welcome to the rimworlds, console pawns, try not to get turned into a hat. Check out the FAQ here. RimWorldWiki is also trying to update to this new platform. Please be patient with us as this happens, and if possible, lend a hand |
The Biotech DLC and Version 1.4 have been announced and are coming October 21st! For further information, see the announcement and the steam page! |
The Biotech DLC and Version 1.4 has arrived! For further information, see the announcement and the steam page! |
Downtime Notice The RimWorld Wiki will have its MediaWiki version updated soon. The expected downtime period is between Friday (December 9th) to Sunday (December 11th) You may experience some interruptions trying to edit or viewing pages during the migration. |
The Anomaly DLC has been released on Steam alongside 1.5! Please bear with us as we get the new content up, and consider signing up to help today! |