Horseshoes pin

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Horseshoes pin

Horseshoes pin

A simple ancient game played with a horseshoes and a large pin in the ground. Players toss horseshoes to try to get them to land on the pin. It's relaxing, and trains shooting skills.

Base Stats

3 kg
Path Cost
14 (48%)


1 × 1
Terrain Affordance
100% dexterity play


Work To Make
100 ticks (1.67 secs)
Stuff Tags
Metallic, Woody, Stony
Resources to make
Stuff 10
Deconstruct yield
Stuff 5
Destroy yield
Stuff 2 - 3

A horseshoes pin is a piece of recreation furniture that provides dexterity recreation when used by colonists, It is the cheapest to construct of all the recreation-related buildings, and tied for the quickest to produce.

It is the equivalent to the Neolithic hoopstone ring, and only available to factions of Medieval tech level or above.


Horseshoes pins can be constructed, each requiring Stuff 10 Stuff (Metallic/Woody/Stony, 100 for SVMs) and 100 ticks (1.67 secs) of work modified by the construction speed of the builder and the work to build factor and offset of the material. Horseshoes pins can only be constructed by New Arrivals. New Tribes can never construct horseshoes pins, and instead have the exclusive ability to construct hoopstone rings.

Regardless of the material used, a horseshoe pin has no quality level.


Up to three colonists can use a single horseshoes pin at once, taking turns throwing horseshoes at it. Each instance of this activity lasts 4,000 ticks (1.11 mins), and it increases Recreation need at a rate of ?? per second. It provides Dexterity Play-type recreation.

To be usable, a horseshoe pin must have a standable spot five spaces away. It also needs line of sight to it in a straight line (many structures like chairs, lamps, and tables, do not block line of sight). Colonists can throw through a held open doorway into an adjacent room while playing horseshoes. Mood bonuses for room impressiveness are determined by the thrower's location.

Pawns can stand on the highlighted sections, as denoted by gold tile.

A pawn must have a Manipulation capacity above 0% to play.

Playing horseshoes increases the player's shooting skill at a rate of 0.003 XP per 1 tick (0.02 secs), or 0.18 XP per second.


The horseshoes pin is the second weakest of all recreation objects, tied with the Chess table and the Hoopstone ring with a recreation power of only 100%. The only recreation object worse is the Game-of-Ur board, with a meager recreation power of 80%. Because of its low cost and ability to slowly raise colonist shooting skill, it is often advisable to build a horseshoe pin early after starting a colony.

In terms of Deterity play recreation, it is eventually outmoded by the billiards table but due to the unique inefficiencies of the table, this only occurs when the table is of Good quality or better. Additionally, this inefficiency means that the table is only ever roughly equivalent in terms of shooting training regardless of quality. Upgrading to the table therefore requires significantly more resources, space, and crafting skill, but is easily available in the early-mid game. Other recreation upgrades, such as the poker table are usually better to prioritize over the table as they make a more significant improvement to recreation, however once a Good+ quality billiard table is available, the horseshoe pin can be deconstructed unless the two-player count of the table is constricting recreation gain.

Stats table

  • Horseshoes pin Horseshoes pin Beauty Recreation
    Work to Build HP Flamma­bility Market
    Bioferrite Bioferrite Content added by the Anomaly DLC 0 1 000,250 ticks (4.17 secs) 150 75% 8.4 Silver
    Gold Gold 20 1 000,090 ticks (1.5 secs) 45 40% 1,000 Silver
    Granite blocks Granite blocks 0 1 000,740 ticks (12.33 secs) 128 0% 12 Silver
    Limestone blocks Limestone blocks 0 1 000,740 ticks (12.33 secs) 116 0% 12 Silver
    Marble blocks Marble blocks 1 1 000,690 ticks (11.5 secs) 90 0% 12 Silver
    Plasteel Plasteel 0 1 000,220 ticks (3.67 secs) 210 0% 91 Silver
    Sandstone blocks Sandstone blocks 0 1 000,640 ticks (10.67 secs) 105 0% 11 Silver
    Silver Silver 6 1 000,100 ticks (1.67 secs) 53 40% 100 Silver
    Slate blocks Slate blocks 0 1 000,740 ticks (12.33 secs) 98 0% 12 Silver
    Steel Steel 0 1 000,100 ticks (1.67 secs) 75 40% 19 Silver
    Jade Jade 10 1 000,500 ticks (8.33 secs) 38 0% 52 Silver
    Uranium Uranium 0 1 000,190 ticks (3.17 secs) 188 0% 61 Silver
    Wood Wood 0 1 000,070 ticks (1.17 secs) 49 100% 12 Silver
  • Version history[edit]

    • 0.10.785 - Added with the addition of the Joy system.
    • 1.1.0 - Fix: Colonists could play horseshoes from a different room.