Hi Harakoni,
Is there a reason why the "paintable" boolean property is not visible by default in the info boxes? I've noticed that in several pages, the property & value is provided (e.g. in Toy box), but it is not displayed currently.
Added property to infobox
Hi Harakoni,
Is there a reason why the "paintable" boolean property is not visible by default in the info boxes? I've noticed that in several pages, the property & value is provided (e.g. in Toy box), but it is not displayed currently.
Hello Daylong698
Not Harakoni, but the reason is that "Template:Infobox main" was not updated to use that value. It should have a section added along the lines of:
{ {#if: { { {paintable|}} } | { {#if: { {#var:setProperty}} | { {#set:Paintable= { { {paintable|}}} }} }}
:{ {ucfirst:{ { {placeable|} } } } }
Changing that template always leaves the wiki temporally unavailable, which is why is not updated very often.
PD: I wrote the above before submitting the change, but it was never sent. Ups.
Nice. Always great to see an issue reported and already fixed. Implementation looks good and its working on the pages.
I might need to reopen this topic. I was editing the Spacedrone page, and noticed that although I wrote "False" in the wiki, the infobox displays "True" as the value of "paintable" nevertheless. In the Crashed_shuttle page, it is also paintable=false, however, the infobox displays nothing. I've tried to change the boolean value to capital "F", but it does not display differently. At the same time, in the Property:Paintable page, the values are displayed correctly, therefore I assume that there might be something happening with the infobox displaying the value.
Ah I see the issue. It was setting the property correctly but it was displaying "placeable" instead of "paintable". Fixed.
Thanks for bringing this functionality to my attention - I'll implement it into the (Chaos) Skip pages, and Mass Chaos Skip, when I get around to it. I can't think of any other information off the top of my head on any of the current psycast pages that would benefit from being collated in a similar manner - if you see something, let me know. Once I'm done with all the remaining psycast pages, I'll go back and take another pass at them. Speaking of which, if there are any other methods (either in the same vein as the #ask function or simply editing process) to improve formatting on my pages, let me know - I'm satisfied with the substance of information I've provided, but I'm not happy with the formatting - it's essentially just paragraphs, and not particularly adept at presenting the information in a concise, easily digestible manner. This is partly due to psycasts being fairly freeform in terms of their usage, but the point stands regardless.
While keeping the standard sections of Acquisition/Summary/Analysis is a good practice, you might want to use subsection a bit more to break up the text and make it easier to skim or find specific sections. Analyses that have a paragraph focusing on specific strategies separately to the more general analysis more generally are good candidates.
You also generally want to bring the readers eye to the important info or what they're likely on the page to find. Thats why we implemented the color templates (Good, Bad, Up, Down etc) but its also why things like the drug pages list the effects in bullet points - they draw the eye on pages that are otherwise quite long and involved.
In terms of general skills, i think editors really benefit from knowing the very basics of how #asks and {{Q}} and {{P}} work and the parser functions because you can do things as simple as putting values in text to the big complicated mathematical templates like {{True Melee DPS Calculator}}
Overall, the pages you've worked on are high quality though, and while page can always be improved at a certain point there will be diminishing returns and it can be more beneficial to refocus on other pages.
That said, do what you feel motivated to do. Someone sticking around long term only working on their niche interest >>>> someone working on "the most needed pages" and getting burnt out - the work is better, more work gets done total, and most importantly its a better experience for everyone involved.
Just wanted to show my appreciation for creating a user page for me and the (rather witty) recognition you added, it means a lot. Cheers!
Hi Harakoni,
(I'm not sure whether this is the best place for error reporting, if not, please direct me to a better location and I'll do it there in the future).
In Floors / Comparison table / Flesh / Filth Multiplier cell, there is an error "Expression error: Missing operand for *.%".
Hello Harakoni,
I noticed that there was a split of the research page to move the Anomaly DLC's research projects onto their own page (dark study). Unfortunately, the research project links in the 'Acquisition' section of every Anomaly item unlocked through research still point the user towards the original research page. It looks like the text for the 'Acquisition' sections is auto-generated through the {/{/Acquisition}} tag, so this might have to get fixed through that function?
For an example, look at the Hellcat rifle page -- "Acquisition Hellcat rifles can be crafted at a bioferrite shaper once the Bioferrite weaponry research project has been completed. Note that this research requires dark study to unlock." When you hover over the links (on the page) to the Bioferrite weaponry research project, or the dark study link, both direct to the research page, where all those projects were originally recorded.
Ah. Looks like whoever split the page didnt think to check what linked to it and why. There's two approaches - either we hard code both acquisition and infobox main (which has similarly broken) to account for the difference or we remerge the split pages.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention but I'm not in a position to do either atm so a fix from me will have to wait a bit. You're welcome to action a fix if you have a preference either way, or if you want to talk to the editor that split the page.
Sorry im not more help atm, real life gets in the way sometimes
Hello Harakoni
I recently made a test to see how to slow down attackers in corridors, depending on the constructions and objects used. It is on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/1gdzx7d/rimworld_corridor_race_v_20/
Do you think it could be added to this wiki? If yes, on what page ? I can make an animated GIF or WEBP of the video if needed.
Regards, Şÿℵדαχ₮ɘɼɾ๏ʁ 12:02, 28 October 2024 (UTC)
Yeah thats a great demonstration! Gifs can autoplay on pages, but webm gives you the option to seek and pause so its ideal. Not sure where the best place would be. Move speed for sure but possible also elsewhere like an eventual path cost page, and maybe some of the defence guide pages?
I'll make a section in Move speed that is a rather short article, then it can be linked elsewhere or even moved if necessary.
I'm also asking in the Reddit thread if someone has a better idea for its location.
I didn't know it was possible to upload MP4s here.
It's better to keep it as an MP4 as the best FPS I can get for a WEBP is 12 FPS, and it would be 800×582 px (I use https://ezgif.com/video-to-webp).
I've cut the pause at the beginning and removed the music: File:Speed in cluttered corridor.mp4.
I'll wait for it to be approved to write the section.
I wrote the section Move Speed#Slowing down attackers which has to be approved.
I don't really know all the articles on this wiki, but links to it can be placed elsewhere.
Hello Harakoni.
Have you recently modified the dark theme ?
The light grey is really too bright, and on some pages, like this one, the text is still white on a light grey background. Also, some parts like tables are dark on this grey background, it makes reading quite incomfortable.
Regards, Şÿℵדαχ₮ɘɼɾ๏ʁ 23:29, 4 February 2024 (UTC)
User:Ickputzdirwech recently implemented a dark mode that keys off the browser preferences. If you're set to use Dark Vector in your wiki preferences, it could be conflicting with the browser toggled one. Try switching to Vecor and seeing if that resolves your issue.
If that doesn't work, revert to DarkVector and check if you have a Dark mode preference in your browser, and see if turning it off or adding an exception for the wiki helps.
If that still doesn't work, then if you can please provide screenshots that'd be a big help.
I have a dark mode on Firefox (or rather automatic, aligning on system dark theme), and I had Dark Vector also. Going back to Vector stops making the pages light grey, but then the background is black, which I find more tiring for the eyes than white.
There is a "Light mode » option at the top right, between Preferences and Watchlist, but it isn't a proper link (screen shot : ).
I prefer the dark grey colours of the Dark Vector apparrance, but I can't seem to have it without having all the other web pages in light theme.
What is strange is it was working fine a few days ago, and now I have either the wrong colours with Dark Vector (), or the pitch black background without it (
The colours are fine on my preference page (), but not elsewhere on this wiki.
Sorry for the images, I really don't know how to just put a link, and now I'm not even able to edit my message properly (Flow is terrible for discussions...)
I don't seem to be able to put an exception on Firefox's automatic or dark theme.
What do you think of the current, softer version of the browser only darkmode (vith darkvector off)? Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
Hello Harakoni
I noticed errors in the table on Floors#Comparison table in the 'Flesh' row, but I don't know how to fix it.
Regards, Şÿℵדαχ₮ɘɼɾ๏ʁ 12:07, 27 October 2024 (UTC)
I've fixed one, the other is caused by the the filth multiplier for the four not being set on the Flesh page itself. I'm away from the game so i can't check it myself at the moment.
I made 2 edits to the Golden cube page. One was to add "vEriFiCatIoN" for the fact that "Cube-Fascinated colonists will go on periodic mental breaks" is true, linking to a screenshot of such a mental break. This edit has yet to be approved. I then made an edit to remove all the spurious [verify] tags. As a moderator, you haven't approved my first edit, which provided verification of the "claim", but you did revert my edit removing all the unnecessary and distracting verify tags. Why? Memotype (talk) 21:59, 14 June 2024 (UTC)
So first, I should explain that when your edits are passed through to moderation, they're all merged into one edit unless someone else makes an edit in the meantime. All we get to see is the total combination of all your changes and your last edit summary. Your edit with the screenshot link was approved and reverted as part of the same edit.
As for the reversion itself, a few points:
Reading this all back, it sounds harsh but please understand that it is not meant to be - I just want to explain that there is a reason for why things are as they are. I am more than happy to discuss this further, including any critique you want to raise re: the status quo or my moderations (facilitating that is in fact why you even saw the reversion in the first place - mods can just reject edits and they would never shown in the histories. I wanted to address it more directly)
On the page I was just editting, I noticed the target chances on the centipede's head assumes that the brain provides coverage for the head. Other internal parts are calculated the same way. Intuitively that doesn't seem right, and it doesn't match the human body parts table, but I wanted to be sure that was a mistake before I go filling out all the target chance fields on the other pages
I'm so sorry but I'm afraid I've forgotten the specifics of how they're calculated since I last made a body part table. I thinks its been almost 2 years ago now.
There was a dev mode tool to extract information to .csv that I used, but I can't remember the specifics. Bork on the community discord might be able to tell you, he's very proficient and even he doesn't know off-hand it might pique his interest.
I do remember that the human table is wrong, however, so please don't use it as a model.
I'm sorry I'm not more help on this one - this is why I write for the wiki. Because otherwise I forget half the stuff I find out :S
Ah okay, I'll ask around then
There's another thing I think you could help me on, the documentation for the animal health table doesn't work with templates that have an underscore in the name. When it tries to load the template for mech_tunneler, it converts the underscore to a space and fails to locate it
Could you take a look at that please? I'm not very good at the referencing stuff
Oh I think I've coincidentally just fixed that - I noticed it wasn't working properly when I was simplifying how the documentation isolated the right variable from the page name.
Check and see if fixed on your end?