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BioferriteHarvester east.png

When placed near a holding platform, this device draws biomass from the held entity and converts it to bioferrite. The harvester creates more bioferrite than manual extraction.

Larger entities generally produce more bioferrite. However, for most creatures, the process causes extreme discomfort, making the entity harder to contain.

Each holding platform can only support one harvester; however, each harvester can connect to multiple platforms.

Heavy plate flooring made from smoothed bioferrite. While ugly and slightly flammable, it's quick to clean and increases the strength of nearby holding platforms.

BioferriteShaper north.png

A work bench used to craft bioferrite products. This bench uses heat and electromagnetic stimulation to temporarily coax bioferrite into a pliable state, allowing a worker to shape it into complex shapes and combine it with other materials.


Refines biological matter like wood or plant matter into chemfuel.

Biosculpter pod.png

An immersion pod full of bioactive gel. It can perform a variety of biological alterations including age reversal and pleasure-giving. The pod becomes biotuned to its user at the end of a cycle. While biotuned, it cannot be used by anyone else, but cycles will complete 25% more quickly. Biotuning resets if the pod is unused for 80 days.


A flat stone-like surface for writing on with chalk. Placed near a lesson desk, blackboards increase childrens' learning rate during lessons. Up to three blackboards can be used at a time.

Blood torch.png

A specially-treated wooden torch that produces a red light over a large area. Sanguophages gather around torches like these during their ceremonial meetings. The sanguine glow is particularly pleasing to individuals with the bloodfeeder gene. It can be automatically refueled with wood, and produces a small amount of heat

Bonsai pot.png

This special pot is suitable for planting bonsai trees, which can improve the mood of people nearby and satisfy ideoligious requirements.


A bowl-shaped furnishing used to hold a fire. Will light the surroundings and create heat.


A work station with all the equipment needed to mix wort for beer production. Wort must be fermented to finally become beer.


A flat wooden surface on supportive beams which can be built over water. You can build light structures on bridges, but be careful - bridges are fragile. If a bridge falls, buildings on top of it fall as well.


A wood structure packed with smokeleaf. It can be ignited during a ritual and produce a huge amount of smokeleaf smoke for a few hours, after which it is destroyed.

Butcher spot.png

A place for butchering animals. Due to the lack of equipment, butchering here yields only 70% of the meat and leather of each creature.


A heavy table for butchering dead creatures into pieces of raw meat.


Cooks meals and produces heat, and burns out after a few days. As with all heat sources, it must be placed indoors so it has a closed space to heat. Refuelable.

Cannibal platter.png

An area of floor covered with pre-chopped and arranged human meat ready for a cannibal feast.

Caravan hitching spot.png

Designates a spot for hitching animals and forming caravans. Colonist will hitch animals here while loading a caravan. You can also use these during encounters away from home to keep animals from wandering.

Ground carpet cream.png

Soft carpet made from fibers dyed a single color. It's welcoming, cozy, and boosts the beauty of the room it's in. It's also quite flammable, and cleaning it is a laborious process.

Chemfuel powered generator.png

Produces power by consuming chemfuel. Must be periodically refueled by hand.

Chess table.png

The ancient game of kings. Fun for a few hours here and there, even playing alone. It trains intellectual skills.

Christmas tree.png

A celebratory tree decorated with ornaments and lights traditionally made as part of Christmas celebrations.


An ultratech device for controlling climate. Using chemicals and exotic fields to manipulate the atmosphere, it shifts the temperature in this region of the world.


A column capable of holding a roof. Does not block sight or movement and looks quite nice.

Comms console south.png

Allows radio contact with other factions and orbital traders.

Ground concrete.png

Rough concrete. It is cheap and quick to build, but is also quite ugly.

Cooler south.png

An air-cooling machine that fits into a wall. Cool air comes out one side, while hot exhaust comes out the other. Can be used to cool down rooms during summer, or to create a walk-in freezer.

Couch south.png

A large double-wide seat which is cushioned for maximum comfort. Perfect for a luxurious rec room or a homey reading nook.


A timed mechanoid activation unit. After counting down, it will wake nearby dormant mechanoids and structures.

Crafting spot.png

A place for crafting simple items like knives or bows. Production here is slow because of the lack of tools.


A cozy bed with safe latticed sides, perfect for a sleepy baby. A high quality crib will make a baby happy. Multiple cribs can be placed in a bedroom without turning it into a barracks.


A self-powered sarcophagus designed to keep a person in a state of suspended animation for many years.

Darklight brazier.png

A specially treated brazier that illuminates its surroundings with darklight and creates heat. These satisfy royal brazier requirements.


A specially-treated wooden torch that produces a dim light over a large area. People who prefer darklight work best with this light source. Can be automatically refueled with wood. Produces a small amount of heat.

DeathrestAccelerator south.png

This device connects with a deathresting person and makes deathrest complete quicker. It enhances the effect of the deathrest casket using finer blood analysis and more powerful chemicals. It must be connected to a deathrest casket to function.

DeathrestCasket south.png

An enclosed med-casket that accelerates the process of deathrest. It can connect to other devices which confer additional bonuses on the deathrester. The number of devices that can connect depends on the person's deathrest capacity, which can be seen by selecting them.
Only those with the deathrest gene can use the deathrest casket.

Deep drill.png

A deep-crust drilling rig for extracting minerals from deep under the surface. Use a ground-penetrating scanner to detect the resources. This drill will yield stone chunks if no resources are present. Can be repositioned freely.


An area-denial device which annihilates nearby plants without affecting animals.
In planetary wars, these weapons are scattered across farmlands or jungles to deny the enemy food or cover. They're usually associated with orbital-drop mechanoid swarms.

Dining chair south.png

A comfortable and attractive chair. Can be used at tables, work stations, and elsewhere.


Divides rooms. Simple doors must be manually opened, which slows people down. The amount of slowdown depends on what the door is made of.

Double bed.png

A simple double-wide bed that fits two people.

Double bedroll.png

A simple double-wide bed that lays on the floor, usually made of cloth or leather, often lined with fur. It is lightweight and can be rolled up for easy transport, but it is not quite as comfortable as a typical bed. Caravans can use bedrolls while traveling for better sleep.

Double sleeping spot.png

Designates a spot on the ground where two people should sleep together. Not comfortable.


A decorative sheet hanging from a vertical wooden frame. Appropriate for royal rooms.

Dresser south.png

A dresser. Gives a small comfort bonus to all nearby beds. Placing more than one dresser near the same bed has no effect.

Drug lab.png

A work bench equipped with containers, heaters, and measurement devices for producing various drugs.


A large wooden drum used as a music source for tribal rituals and parties.


A sphere of fibrous plant matter. A dryad inside is slowly morphing into a new form. Gauranlen trees grow these spheres to help protect the dryads as they morph.


A massive electromagnetic interference generator. It interferes with or shuts down electrical devices in nearby regions.


A rough wooden frame in the shape of a human, ready to be burned as part of a ritual.


A box with soft material made to hold eggs. Egg-laying animals will lay eggs in egg boxes if they can. Your haulers will take all the eggs out only when the box is full, to save time. The box also protects eggs from deteriorating outdoors, though it does not protect from temperature damage.