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Hussars are a xenotype, genetically engineered to act as super-soldiers. They are great fighters, but bad at most other things and dependent on go-juice.


Hussars are engineered soldiers. They fight aggressively and with precision, heal fast, thrive in extreme temperatures, and freely ingest military drugs. They have a genetic dependence on the drug go-juice, which also makes them less likely to rebel against their commanders.
While hussars' emotions make them dangerous in combat, they can't relate to baseliner humans. They are famous for their blood-red eyes and "hussar stare", a dead expression that unsettles many people. Their lack of expression and burning aggressive nature has led to many violent misunderstandings.
In most societies where they live, hussars are kept separated from the rest of the population. Hussars are single-purpose tools - and they generally aren't bothered by the fact.
- In Game Description


The table below describes the chance for a given pawn from each faction being a hussar. Note that this value does not account for chances in xenotype chance from ideoligionContent added by the Ideology DLC or from pawn kind, it only shows the base value before those factors.

Faction Chance
GentleTribe.png Gentle tribe 0%
FierceTribe.png Fierce tribe 0%
SavageTribe.png Savage tribe 0%
CannibalTribe.png Cannibal tribeContent added by the Ideology DLC 0%
NudistTribe.png Nudist tribeContent added by the Ideology DLC 0%
FierceNeanderthalTribe.png Fierce neanderthal tribe 0%
SavageImpidTribe.png Savage impid tribe 0%
Civil outlander.png Civil outlander union 5%
Rough outlander.png Rough outlander union 5%
RoughPigUnion.png Rough pig union 0%
Pirate.png Pirate gang 5%
CannibalPirate.png Cannibal pirate gangContent added by the Ideology DLC 5%
YttakinPirates.png Yttakin pirates 0%
WasterPirates.png Waster pirates 5%
Empire map marker.png Shattered empire Content added by the Royalty DLC 15%


Hussars are made, not born. Overall, their genes help them last longer and perform better in combat, at the cost of many other skills. They are genetically dependent on go-juice, with major consequences if their need is not met: they will start feeling mood effects after 5 days without it, will fall into a coma after 30 days without, and will die after 60 days of deprivation.

Hussars can be immediately noticeable by their glowing red eyes.


All hussars have these xenogenes:


Superfast wound healing Psychically deaf Cold tolerant Heat tolerant Partial antitoxic lungs Hyper-aggressive Reduced pain Unstoppable Go-juice dependency
Superfast wound healing Psychically deaf Cold tolerant Heat tolerant Partial antitoxic lungs Hyper-aggressive Reduced pain Unstoppable Go-juice dependency


Red eyes Short-haired Standard body Hulk body
Red eyes Short-haired Standard body Hulk body


Great shooting Great melee Awful animals Awful plants Awful artistic Awful social
Great shooting Great melee Awful animals Awful plants Awful artistic Awful social

Hussars have a gene complexity of 16. With a metabolic efficiency of +2, they have a hunger rate of x80%.


Since you cannot pass Hussar characteristics on through reproduction, you must capture or recruit a hussar to your base instead. Right now, Hussars are most likely to be found among Empire parties, but have a small chance of showing up with Outlanders or Pirates. You can also chance upon them within groups of travelers and merchants. You may find Hussar children, but they will not feel the ill-effects of their go-juice dependency until they turn 13.


With other DLC

Many empireContent added by the Royalty DLC pawns will be hussars. Be prepared for a possible go-juice need if accepting The Deserter quest, or if you're housing some of the empire's soldiers for an extended time.

If also playing with Ideology, it is very likely that the empire's ideoligionContent added by the Ideology DLC will restrict hard drugs, including go-juice. Empire hussars will take go-juice to cure deficiency, but receive a −15 moodlet for doing so. You can disable this on game start by clicking "Create Custom" (either fluid or fixed), and then adjusting the empire's ideoligion before your own.