Medical Items

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Glitterworld medicine.png

A kit of advanced ultra-tech medical supplies, probably manufactured on a distant glitterworld. It contains advanced polymorphic drugs, nanite diagnostic and healing assisters, a mini-imager, and various multi-use tools.

Herbal medicine.png

A pack of herbal concoctions typically extracted from the healroot plant. It is less potent than industrial pharmaceuticals, but much better than nothing.

Medicine industrial a.png

A kit of industrial-era medical equipment. It contains basic drugs, tools for suturing and bone setting, diagnostic devices, and various pads and fluids.

Body Parts

Health item bionic.png

The nose is shaped to the user's desired form, matching prevalent beauty standards and enhancing physical impressions.

Health item bionic.png

A sophisticated package of hormonal and mechanite influences shapes the muscles and fat on the body, adding non-functional aesthetic tissue where needed to achieve a desired appearance. The implant can be configured to form various body shapes according to the user's taste - or that of their partner.

Health item archotech.png

An artificial arm built by an archotech. It's strong enough to crush a thick hardwood branch in its hand, and precise enough to write a sonnet on a grain of rice. It looks and feels like natural flesh, but it's harder to damage than plasteel. Even if it is harmed, it repairs itself over time. Its internal workings are a mystery to all human minds.

An archotech arm is an artificial body part that acts as a replacement for a pawn's natural arm, increasing Manipulation by 25% per arm while also offering a significantly more powerful punch attack and acting as a body part weapon.

Health item archotech.png

An artificial eye built by an archotech. It perceives every type of electromagnetic radiation, including radio waves, infrared, light, x-rays, and gamma rays. Its visual acuity is precise enough to read handwriting from twenty meters away. It can emit various wavelengths of radiation like a flashlight, and has an internal subpersona AI which helps highlight useful visual information. Its internal workings are a mystery to all human minds.

Health item archotech.png

An artificial leg built by an archotech. It looks and feels like natural flesh, but a pair of these can move the user as fast as a decent car, and it's harder to damage than plasteel. Even if it is harmed, it repairs itself over time. its internal workings are a mystery to all human minds.

Archotech legs are a artificial body part that replaces a pawn's leg. They not only replace a damaged or destroyed leg, but improve over the natural limb. They are superior to all other legs.

Health item bionic.png

This bionic gland releases chemicals and nanomachines that toughen the skin and add flexible subdermal keratin plates at strategic points. This makes the user more resistant to damage across their whole body. Unfortunately, These changes make the skin appear leathery, with wrinkles across the whole body and face, which is generally considered ugly.

Health item bionic.png

An advanced artificial arm. Silenced mini-servos give great strength, while the biogel nerve-link gives exquisite control. A lattice-dust healing system allows it to recover from damage. It is better than a biological arm in almost every way.

A bionic arm is an artificial body part that acts as a replacement for a pawn's natural arm, increasing Manipulation by 12.5% per arm while also offering a slightly more powerful punch attack and acting as a body part weapon.

Health item bionic.png

An advanced artificial ear implant. A collection of invisible subdermal microphones capture sound and transmit it to a biogel nerve interface that links directly with the auditory nerve. It's sensitive enough to hear a cat before you see it, can't be damaged by loud noise, and automatically tunes itself to pick out meaningful sounds in noisy environments.

Health item bionic.png

An advanced artificial eye. With its biogel nerve-link, internal signal pre-processor, and wide-spectrum sensors, it is better than a biological eye in almost every way. A lattice-dust healing system allows it to recover from damage.

A Bionic eye is an artificial eye that improves sight.

Health item bionic.png

An advanced artificial heart. It has synthetic muscle fibers for a realistic heartbeat, plus a high-flow pump for rapid circulation during high stress. It is better than a biological heart in almost every way.

Health item bionic.png

An advanced artificial leg. With its biogel nerve-link, powerful mini-servos, and lattice-dust healing system, it is better than a biological leg in almost every way.

Bionic legs are a artificial body part that replaces a pawn's leg. They not only replace a damaged or destroyed leg, but improve over the natural limb. They are superior to all other legs save the archotech leg.

Health item bionic.png

An advanced artificial spine. A biogel nerve bundle runs down an articulated plasteel core, surrounded by a lattice-dust healing system. It matches the performance of a biological spine.

Health item bionic.png

An advanced artificial stomach. A set of sensors and chemical synthesizers effectively digest any energy-bearing foodstuff. An integrated lattice-dust healing system automatically repairs any damage caused by the powerful acids. It is better than a biological stomach in every way.

Health item bionic.png

An artificial tongue replacement. Made of synthetic smooth-fibers and connected through a neurogel interface, it can match the performance of a natural tongue in speaking, eating, and tasting.

Health item bionic.png

An artificial gland. Produces chemicals and nanomachines that clear toxin buildup from the brain.

Health item bionic.png

A signal redirector which isolates half of the brain, allowing the other half to sleep while the user remains outwardly awake. By alternating brain halves, the user never needs to sleep. Unfortunately, two hemispheres are better than one - working half a brain causes a reduction in consciousness.

Health item bionic.png

Releases coagulating factors in response to blood loss, reducing bleeding rates significantly

Health item prosthetic.png

An implant which replaces normal hearing. An external microphone transmits a sound signal to electrodes wrapped around the inner ear's auditory sensing nerves. The electrodes stimulate the nerves according to the sound, creating a sensation of hearing. It's not as good as a natural ear, but it's a lot better than being deaf.

Health item prosthetic.png

A neural implant which gives a mechanitor an additional control group. Additionally, the sublink slightly increases the work speed of any mechanoids controlled by the mechanitor.
This high-tier implant can increase the control group count up to 6.
It can be self-installed without surgery.
This implant can be installed up to 3 times to increase its effect.

Health item prosthetic.png

A neural implant which gives a mechanitor an additional control group. Additionally, the sublink slightly increases the work speed of any mechanoids controlled by the mechanitor.
This standard-tier sublink can only increase the control group count up to 3. To go higher, a higher-tier sublink implant must be used.
It can be self-installed without surgery.
This implant can be installed up to 3 times to increase its effect.

Health item bionic.png

A chest implant for preventing enemy use of captured equipment. Upon the user's death, it releases powerful chemicals that dissolve gear in contact with the user's body. It doesn't damage others.

The death acidifier implant destroys all equipped weapons and apparel on the installed pawn on death, preventing them from being captured.

Medicine industrial a.png

An installed denture.

Dentures are an artificial body part that replaces a pawn's jaw. Dentures have 80% efficiency leading to reduced Talking and Eating efficiency on colonists that have them.

Health item bionic.png

An advanced artificial kidney. Using a series of nanofilters, it can rapidly remove a vast range of toxins from the blood, making it effective against environmental toxins, venoms, and injected poisons.

Health item bionic.png

An advanced artificial lung that uses microfilters to reduce the intake of environmental toxins, allowing the user to survive longer in polluted environments. Additionally, it negates the irritation of acidic smoke and prevents lung rot in this lung.

Health item prosthetic.png

A mechanical arm replacement for speeding up mining. It has a built-in snake drill, which allows the miner to rapidly find and exploit weak lines in the rock. It also has a general-purpose manipulator. It is somewhat ungainly, which slows down movement slightly.

Health item prosthetic.png

A razor-sharp blade that extends at will from a hidden opening at the end of the ulna. Appearing without warning, it can be used for devastating slice attacks.

Health item prosthetic.png

This mechanical hand replacement is made to speed up the sowing and harvesting tasks of a farmer. Multiple telescoping finger-like protrusions can simultaneously harvest from several points on the same plant, or precisely sow several holes at once. It also has a general-purpose manipulator. It is somewhat ungainly, which slows down movement slightly.

Health item natural.png

A fleshy, muscled tentacle resembling a partial transformation into a fleshbeast. The tentacle is excellent at manipulation.
The flesh tentacle has its own neural structures and may become dangerous if removed.

Health item natural.png

A fleshy, muscled tentacle with a blade at the end. The flesh whip makes an excellent melee weapon.
It has its own neural structures and may become dangerous if removed.

Health item natural.png

A cancerous mass of semi-sentient flesh. The tissue constantly regrows and replaces itself, making it immune to effects like lung rot and asthma.
The organ has its own neural structures and may become dangerous if removed.

Health item natural.png

A cancerous mass of semi-sentient flesh. The harsh acid it produces is painful, but strong enough to prevent most food poisoning.
The organ has its own neural structures and may become dangerous if removed.

Health item bionic.png

This bionic nose implant enhances the sense of smell, with a focus towards food-related smells. A multi-layered ultrafine absorption mesh detects compounds in the air. A microprocessor formats the readings into an olfactory nerve signal to send to the brain through a nerve-link interface. The result is that the user can smell foods with a depth, richness, and precision unknown among unenhanced humans, allowing them to cook more effectively. The whole unit is small enough to be installed in the nose without affecting the user's appearance.

A number of barbed bioferrite spikes that can be surgically attached to a ghoul. They drastically increase a ghoul's melee damage but also limit its range of motion, slowing it down.
Due to the extremely painful nature of the prosthetic, only ghouls can tolerate this enhancement.

Bioferrite plates that can be surgically attached to a ghoul, protecting vulnerable areas. The plates will reduce incoming damage significantly but also slow the ghoul down.
Due to the extremely painful nature of the prosthetic, only ghouls can tolerate this enhancement.

Health item prosthetic.png

A razor-sharp talon which extends from a hidden opening between the middle and ring fingers. The talon is longer than the palm, but it becomes flexible upon retracting, allowing the user to curl it up and conceal it inside the hand. It can perform rapid slashing attacks, but is poor at penetrating armor.

Health item bionic.png

Releases nanomachines and healing factors that speed up wound healing. This implant only helps with physical wounds, and does nothing to combat disease or other health problems.

Health item natural.png

A biological human heart. Pumps blood around the body.

Health item bionic.png

An analysis computer inspects the bloodstream, classifies pathogens, and rapidly prompts the body's natural immune system to respond to them faster than it could alone. This speeds immunity gain significantly.

Health item prosthetic.png

A brain implant that stimulates the brain's pleasure centers. While it dramatically improves a user's mood, the blanket of happiness makes it hard to concentrate on anything real. Joywires are illegal on many worlds, and are known for destroying whole cultures.

The joywire is a brain implant that grants a permanent but substantial mood boost in return for a permanent but substantial consciousness penalty. After implantation, it cannot be removed.

Health item natural.png

A biological human kidney. Filters and removes waste products from the blood.

Health item prosthetic.png

A spike that extends at will from a hidden opening on the front of the knee. Appearing without warning, it can be used for devastating stabbing attacks which penetrate even thick armor.

Health item bionic.png

A sensory recording system that replays important experiences during sleep, strengthening the formation of new memories.

Health item natural.png

A biological human liver. Plays an important role in metabolism.

Health item bionic.png

Humans have always tried to use every new technology to enhance sexual satisfaction. Bionics were no exception. This implant makes physical and chemical changes to the body which enhance the experience of lovin' for both partners - both physically and psychologically. The implant unit can adapt to enhance both men and women upon being implanted.

Health item natural.png

A biological human lung. A pair of these form the core of the human respiratory system.

Health item prosthetic.png

An implant which increses the speed at which a mechanitor can produce mechs in a mech gestator. The processor optimizes the behavior of the mechanites in the mech forming tank. The implant can be self-installed in the same way as the mech link. The implant can be installed up to 6 times to increase its effect.


A bionic implant that allows direct control of mechanoids. Mechlinks are used by soldiers to control war mechs, and by workers to control labor mechs. A person with a mechlink is known as a mechanitor.
Mechlinks are self-installable. Pressed into the back of the throat, the unit injects itself through the flesh to clamp inside the base of the skull where it meets the spinal cord. There, it threads a web of ultrafine wires throughout nearby neuronal tissue to make the direct mental link between the user and the mechanoid control band.
Mechlinks are not simply devices for sending radio signals to mechanoids, because mechanoids are not merely robots. In addition to traditional computers, mechanoids have a dim psychic presence, so fluently controlling them requires a psychic connection. By linking mechanitor and mechanoid both psychically and electromagnetically, the mechlink permits deeper control than screen-and-button interfaces.
Since the mechlink interlaces deep within the brain tissue, it can only be removed after death.
Note: A mechanitor must be capable of smithing work to gestate mechanoids.

A special bioferrite prosthetic that can pump a small amount of metalblood into a ghoul's bloodstream, making it more resistant to damage for a short period of time. Metalblood also makes the ghoul more vulnerable to fire. The prosthetic causes widespread swelling, slowing the ghoul down.
Due to the extremely painful nature of the prosthetic, only ghouls can tolerate this enhancement.

Health item prosthetic.png

Inflicts continuous pain on the user. Mindscrews are used by some authorities as a long-term punishment. Some even install them voluntarily as a demonstration of ideological or religious devotion.

Health item bionic.png

A non-intelligent microcomputer controlled by a visual/tactile neural interface. It assists with memory and calculation, like a calculator and notepad embedded in the brain.

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