Decorative plants

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Decorative plants are plants that can be planted by the player and which main purpose is to add Beauty to a room or area.

Roses, daylilies, dandelions and bonsai treesContent added by the Ideology DLC may all be grown for decoration, providing Beauty indoors and out. Out of the four only dandelions may not be planted in plant or bonsai pot.Content added by the Ideology DLC

Roses, daylilies and bonsai trees only require 30% light, which is attainable with a torch or standing lamp.

Comparison table

NameBeauty BaseGrow DaysReal Grow DaysLifespanFertility SensitivitySow WorkSow Tags
Bonsai tree151.52.7713.50.5750DecorativeTree


Bonsai tree.png

A small tree, pruned and shaped to look visually pleasing.

Dandelion a.png

A tiny yellow flower which grows in large clusters. Though it is often considered a weed, dandelions in bloom are quite beautiful.

Daylily a.png

A cultivated flower with wide petals and a short lifespan. Daylilies are very beautiful, but must be replanted often.


A beautiful cultivated flower, the rose has been a symbol of love since Earth's ancient era.

Roses are a decorative plant that have are relatively beautiful, and need to be replanted occasionally. They can be grown indoors, simply using the light from a torch or standing lamp.