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With children and [Children_and_reproduction|reproduction] comes Family Planning. Pawns can have kids from 18 years on, until their fertility drops to 0. During this time, you can modify a human's fertility through many methods, whether you are hoping for kids or set on having none. There are also many ways to reproduce, from natural, to surrogate, to artificial. A well-resourced player has a lot of control over this process.

Pawns' chance of getting pregnant is affected by their fertility stat (affected by age and genes), their contraceptive methods, and the player-set strategy on having kids.


Fertility is the main stat affecting pregnancy chances. Natural pregnancy explains how fertility rises and falls over time. Fertility affects more than just the chance of a pregnancy after pawns initiate Lovin'. For instance, once a woman becomes infertile, or sterile, you can no longer perform the operation "Extract ovum for IVF", to initiate a surrogate or artifical pregnancy.

Fertility is affected by several genes:


  • ?


  • Inbred

Baby Controls

The player has three options to adjust pregnancy rates in any relationship. By opening the social tab, to the right of a Lover, Fiancee, or Spouse, you can see a button that lets you change the couple's strategy for having kids.

By default, it is a hollow heart, with no preference for any pregnancy outcomes, and no affect on fertility.

If you change it to the sperm symbol, making the couple try for kids, their chance of pregnancy will be four times higher.

If you change it to the ban symbol, they will avoid pregnancy, with the chance getting four times smaller. If you're really worried about pregnancy and don't have the resources for contraceptives, you could place your now-unhappy couple in different beds so they won't do lovin' in the first place.


There are many surgical methods for altering a pawn's chances of pregnancy. Many of these are revokable, allowing for pregnancy at a later time, but they have a slight chance of causing permanent sterility if a surgery is botched.

One of these methods is IUDs. One can be placed indefinitely in a woman, requiring ?. You can remove it through a medical operation, using a qualified doctor and some medicine. Women may embark with IUDs already implanted.