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Highmates are a xenotype, commercially available for those who aspire being one.


On a few wealthy worlds, highmate xenogerms are commercially available and some people become highmates as a sort of career. However, many societies find them abhorrent, either because they distract people from forming natural families, or because they are humans shaped to serve the pleasures of another. On such worlds they are either reserved as playthings of the powerful, or banned entirely. This particular line of highmate fits the fashions of classical Novaroma, but many other variants exist. - Tynan



Body: -Psy-sensitive -Psychic Bonding -Sanguine -Heat Weakness -Violence Disabled -Kind Instinct -Delicate -High Libido

Looks: -Beautiful -Blue, Purple, or Sheer-White skin -Thin or Standard Body -Snow-white hair -Long-Haired

Skills: -Great Social -Awful Plants -Awful Mining


Synergy with other DLC
