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"chemical" is not in the list (Chemical, Gluttonous) of allowed values for the "Joy Kind" property.


Beer a.png

The first beverage besides water ever consumed by mankind. Beer can taste good, but its main effect is intoxication. Excessive consumption can lead to alcohol blackouts and, over time, addiction.

DrugSocial Drug
Stack Limit

Base Stats

Deterioration Rate
Market Value
Max Hit Points

Stat Modifiers


Beer is a beverage product that provides a little food replenishment and joy. While not so nutritionally effective, it's main use is to improve a colonist's mood to prevent mental breaks. But, overuse may lead to alcohol addiction. The default drug policy setting is both for addicted and for joy.

Once a colonists develops Alcohol addiction, a new bar called "Alcohol" will appear in their "Needs" tab. The colonist will consume beer when the bar is low enough. Abstinence will cause the colonist to enter a withdrawal period that adds a negative thought with a -35 mood penalty which is necessary if intending to cure the addiction. Recovery can be monitored by checking the "Health" tab, once withdrawal reaches 100%, the character will had lost the addiction.


Beer is produced in three steps:

  • First is the plantation of hops which is relatively an easy task.
  • Secondly is the construction of a Brewery production bench (research required), to process 25 hops for 5 units of wort, a task that requires a cook to perform the action, another relatively easy task assuming the colony has enough meals to turn the cooker into another not so nutritional purpose.
  • Third is to place 25 units of wort into a fermenting barrel for 10 days. The difficulty of this last process depends greatly on your biome and it's current weather conditions as the room hosting the barrels must be kept to a proper temperature between 7 Celsius and 32 Celsius. Below this value will only halt the process but any temperature above it will waste the whole product and all the previous work.


Consuming beer raises a colonist's alcohol level by 15% per beer. Alcohol level, not displayed precisely in-game, determines inebriation level and falls automatically over time. Once a colonist becomes drunk the game records it so it may be used later in an art description.

Label Alcohol Level (%) Mood (+) Pain Reduction (%) Consciousness (%) Social fight chance Other effects
Buzzed-hidden <10 - - - - -
Warm 10 10 10 - x1.5 manipulation -2%
Tipsy 25 15 20 -10 x2.5 moving -5%
Drunk 40 20 50 -30 x4 moving -10%
Hammered 70 25 70 -50 x5 moving -10%
Blackout 90 25 90 10% max - -


Once a colonist reaches a drunk state they will go through the hangover stages after their inebriation wears off. If a colonist drinks beer while hungover they will be both hungover and inebriated.

Label Mood Side Effects
Hungover (pounding) -10 consciousness -18%, vomiting
Hungover (strong) -5 consciousness -8%
Hungover (slight) -2 consciousness -3%

Long-term Effects

When a pawn has a visible tolerance to Alcohol, they may develop Cirrhosis of the liver in a mean time of 60 in-game days (or 1 year), which permanently hinders their consciousness, blood filtration, and blood pumping - and the only way to cure Cirrhosis is to perform a liver transplant. Additionally, a Major or worse Carcinoma (with a minimum severity of 0.5) may develop in the liver in a mean time of 180 in-game days (3 years), again being fixable either via transplant, or removed by a skilled doctor. Animals cannot have transplants.

Chemical damage can occur in the brain while unconscious in a mean time of 10 days' spent blacked out, which reduces consciousness to 50%, significantly reducing performance. There is no way to perform brain surgery.

Using as a Weapon

Beer can be wielded as a weapon with the following stats.

Melee Attack Damage Amount Cooldown DPS


In real life, beer is brewed from malted barley, not hops. Hops are used in the brewing of beer to provide flavor and as a preservative.