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Quests are a class of event, where actions must be performed, or special circumstances arise, in order to gain a reward.


Quests are found in the Quests tab. Most quests are offered by a faction, but they can be offered by individual pawns or even unaligned AI's. Most quests have to be accepted, but some are automatically given. Some quests have requirements to be accepted, and others have a time limit for acceptance. Quests can be "trashed" by clicking on the trash can icon, but this can be reversed (Quests/Historical).

Most quests are time sensitive, and have one or both of these timers:

  • The first timer is the limit to accept the quest. If not accepted, the quest will be rejected.
  • The second timer is the time to do the quest, or alternatively, how long a quest lasts for.

Without the Royalty DLC, you will receive 1 quest every 10 days. Each quest will be offered 3 to 19.9 days apart. With the Royalty DLC, you will get 2 quests every 12 days, as this DLC introduces more possible quests. These values are defined by the storyteller, though all 3 storytellers have the same quest interval.

Quests use the raid pointss mechanic to determine quest size. In general, the larger the colony, the more difficult and more rewarding quests will be.


Rewards vary greatly - from simple plasteel and uranium, to quest-exclusive items like tornado generators and vanometric power cells, to factional goodwill and new colonists. Quests may only have 1 reward, or they can have a pool of 3 rewards to choose from.

Reward preferences can be altered at the bottom of the quest menu. This allows you to choose if you want goodwill or honorContent added by the Royalty DLC from a specific faction. Disabling these rewards means you'll get another pool of rewards to choose from.

Certain pawn join rewards - typically the ones offered by the pawn themselves - will not give detailed information about the pawn themselves. You will be able to see their age and backstory before accepting.

List of quests (Core)


Desperate refugees

Desperate refugees are looking to stay.

  • Refugees join as quest lodgers, and will do work. These refugees will never be afiliated with any faction. The higher your current colonist population, the more refugees appear, but the less likely the quest is to generate.
  • Refugees may offer to join the colony. There is no penalty for not accepting this join offer.
  • Refugees may betray you. They will become enemies, pick up any nearby weapons, and attack colonists as if they were raiders. They will never betray you if you get a betrayal offer yourself.
  • If a refugee is arrested, experienced a harmful surgery, or killed for any reason, then the other refugees will either receive a −12 moodlet, leave your colony (failing the quest), or immediately betray you.
  • If the refugees stay for the full period of time and they leave the map successfully, then you will get a random, raid point-scaled reward in the future.

Betrayal offer

A member of another faction has learned that the refugees are in your faction, and wants them dead.

  • Gain a reward if you kill all members of the refugee group.
    • If a refugee has joined the colony before the betrayal offer, then you don't need to kill them. If a refugee joins afterwards, or is arrested and then recruited, then the quest fails.

Royalty intro quests

These quests often appear very early within your playthrough, offering distinct interactions with the empire faction.

Noble wimp

A high-ranking noble is being chased by a small, manhunting animal. This quest generally appears after 8 days from colony start, but can appear later on or never generate. This quest won't appear if you have under 3 colonists, if you have disabled honor in your Reward Preferences, or if you are in an extreme biome.

When accepting this quest:

  • An empire noble, always with the Wimp trait, joins your colony as a quest lodger.
  • A single manhunter animal - rat, squirrel, or racoon at largest, will be following them.
  • After 3 hours from accepting the quest, a shuttle will arrive to pick up the noble. The noble can be carried to the shuttle if they are downed.

This quest always gives 8 honor, enough to get a pawn to the Yeoman rank.

The Deserter

Somebody has deserted the empire. This quest generally appears after 26 days of the colony start, but can appear later on or never generate.

When accepting this quest:

  • The deserter joins you as a colonist. This deserter will be of the "Trooper" pawn type. They will always be capable of violence, and have a Shooting skill between 4 - 10 (before xenotypeContent added by the Biotech DLC)
  • −200 goodwill with the empire.
  • You will have to fight the "loyalty squad" from the empire. Due to how early this quest appears, this is likely to be just 1 trooper.
  • An empire outpost will be generated, with 2 psylink neuroformers, along with other camp loot. This goes away after 60 days.

It does not matter what happens to the deserter pawn after you have accepted the quest. You will still have access to the neuroformer camp.
