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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Speed at which this person brews beer.  +
A flat wooden surface on supportive beams which can be built over water. You can build light structures on bridges, but be careful - bridges are fragile. If a bridge falls, buildings on top of it fall as well.  +
Wrapped fabric sheets that loosely cover the wearer's head and shoulders.  +
A blue moss typically found in deep, dark caves. It is sticky, with tangled fibers, which slows anyone walking over it. Dies when exposed to light.  +
Slow the target for a short time by suppressing motor activity in the brain.  +
A large garment that conceals the wearer's entire head and body.  +
A wood structure packed with smokeleaf. It can be ignited during a ritual and produce a huge amount of smokeleaf smoke for a few hours, after which it is destroyed.  +
A burned tree stump. It's ugly and yields very little usable wood.  +
A short shrub. Does not typically talk.  +
A place for butchering animals. Due to the lack of equipment, butchering here yields only 70% of the meat and leather of each creature.  +
A heavy table for butchering dead creatures into pieces of raw meat.  +
The amount of meat produced when butchering flesh creatures. The actual amount is also related to the creature's size.  +
Speed at which this person butchers flesh creatures.  +
A nice-looking collared shirt with buttons.  +
Tanned, dried, scraped camel skin. Good at temperature regulation in hot climates.  +
Cooks meals and produces heat, and burns out after a few days. As with all heat sources, it must be placed indoors so it has a closed space to heat. Refuelable.  +
An area of floor covered with pre-chopped and arranged human meat ready for a cannibal feast.  +
A long cape of elegant design. It hangs over one side of the torso.  +
The largest natural rodent, the capybara is well-adapted for steaming jungle environments.  +
Designates a spot for hitching animals and forming caravans. Colonist will hitch animals here while loading a caravan. You can also use these during encounters away from home to keep animals from wandering.  +