Word of serenity

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Word of serenity

Word of serenity

Use calming words and psychic suggestion to end a mental break on a person or animal. The target will fall into a short psychic sleep. The psyfocus cost depends on the intensity of the target's mental break.

Base Stats



Psylink Level
Psyfocus Cost
Neural Heat Gain
Casting Time
120 ticks (2 secs)
14,760 ticks (4.1 mins)
(Modified by Psychic Sensitivity)
Caster Must Be Capable of Violence

Word of serenity is a level 4 psycast that ends the target's mental break by sending them into a short coma.


There are two ways to acquire the psycast Word of serenity:

  1. Upon reaching psylink level 4, a random psycast of level 4 is granted regardless of how this level up is achieved. This won't apply if the psycaster already knew one or more level 4 psycast.
  2. Word of serenity can also be acquired from a psytrainer naming it. See the psytrainer page for further details.


<canTargetAnimals>False</canTargetAnimals> <exceptions>Jailbreaker</exceptions> check, don't assume <psyfocusCostForMinor>0.3</psyfocusCostForMinor> <psyfocusCostForMajor>0.5</psyfocusCostForMajor> <psyfocusCostForExtreme>0.7</psyfocusCostForExtreme>



  • Word of Serenity will not prevent a Tortured Artist pawn from gaining an inspiration when used to end a mental break, allowing relatively risk-free Legendary farming. It can also end social fights early by casting it on either combatant, at a cost of 30 psyfocus. This psycast also gives the catharsis mood buff, making it a better alternative to arresting someone to end a mental break.

Version history[edit]