Growth vat

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Revision as of 07:26, 29 October 2022 by Unknownlord (talk | contribs) (→‎Analysis: some more info on growth vats as I have used them)
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Growth vat

Growth vat

A vat of fluid which can gestate an embryo or accelerate a child's growth.
While growing or gestating, the vat must be fed with a constant supply of nutrition to provide the feedstock for growth. Gestating an embryo takes twice the nutrition of accelerating a child's growth.
Embryos are gestated for 9 days before a baby is formed. There is a risk of health complications.
Child growth can only be accelerated up to age 18, but not beyond. While growing, a child's skills will slowly increase. Children raised in growth vats will have lower skills and gain fewer passions than normal.
The device uses chemical injections, electrical stimulation, and simple mechanite treatments to push the body to grow. Growth vats are often used to quickly manufacture engineered workers or warriors.

Base Stats



-80 W


Resources to make
Steel 150 + Component 4
Deconstruct yield
Steel 75 + Component 2
Destroy yield
Steel 37 - 38 + Component 1



Is used to speed up aging of pawns under 18 or to create new pawns from an embryo Embryo will take 9 days to become a child.

Can also be used to speed up aging of children 20x the speed of normal aging.


Growth vats can be used to age pawns up to 18 this is usually worthwhile as pawns under 18 have lots of workspeed penalties.

[Any penalty to growth if child has reached growth tier 8?]. [Worth it to skip the baby stage].