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(For animal pregnancy) ALTNAMES: Reproduction, Human reproduction, Pregnancy

Reproduction is the means for humans to create children, alongside all other living beings.


A pawn's chance of getting impregnated can be seen by checking their fertility stat. This stat is affected by a variety of factors, such as age and genes. For baseline humans without fertility-modifying genes, both men and women start becoming fertile after age 14; women's fertility increases until it reaches 100% through ages 20-28, then drops steadily from 100% to 0% at age 50, while men's fertility increases until it reaches 100% through ages 18-50, then starts dropping before reaching 0% at age 90.

Female Fertility
Male Fertility



Pawns have a chance to get pregnant when they initiate Lovin'. Along with Fertility, you can further increase pregnancy odds by opening a pawn's social tab and choosing to try for pregnancy (x4 chance) or try avoid pregnancy (x0.25 chance).

The actual chance that a pair of pawns will do Lovin' each night varies, but it requires them to share the same bed and sleep at the same time. Their chance of Lovin' varies by age, as seen in this chart. The low libido and high libido genes will also alter this. There have been reports that colonist mood and opinions of each other also influence the chance of doing Lovin'.


A female pawn may be implanted with a fertilized embryo, giving the pawn a change to become pregnant. The chance of success depends on the surrogate's own Fertility. Even if they did not supply the ovum, they will be considered the birth mother.


Pregnancy lasts for 18 days, broken into three 6 day trimesters. The pregnant pawn will gain penalties [Specifics?] to movement, manipulation, and hunger rate, increasing each trimester. They also occasionally gain mood buffs or debuffs due to hormonal induced mood swings.


In addition to not giving pawns a double bed or using their social tab to prevent pregnancy, the Fertillity Procedures research gives access to multiple ways


You can stop a woman from becoming pregnant with the "Implant IUD" operation, which stops pregnancies in the first trimester. One can be placed indefinitely, with the operation requiring 1 medicine. You can later remove it through the "Remove IUD" medical operation, using a qualified doctor and 1 medicine. Women may embark with IUDs already implanted. If it is botched, the patient will become permanently sterile.


The health operation "Perform vasectomy" can be done on any adult male, analagous to the IUD. It requires 1 medicine, performed like a surgery. The vasectomy can be undone later through the "Reverse vasectomy" operation, also requiring 1 medicine. If it is botched, the patient will become permanently sterile.

Tubal Ligation

This permanently stops a female from being able to reproduce. "Perform tubal ligation" is a medical operation requiring 1 medicine.