Apparel layers

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  • Body Part Group Coverage Skin Middle Outer Headgear
    Full Head Head, Ears, Nose, Jaw, Eyes ×
    Upper Head Head, Ears ×
    Shoulders Left & Right Shoulder × × ×
    Arms Left & Right Arm × × ×
    Torso Torso × × ×
    Neck Neck × × ×
    Legs Legs × × ×
  • Each kind of gear is worn on a specific location of a person's body. That location is determined by two things:

    1. The body part groups it covers.
    2. The layer or layers it occupies. A layer basically says how far away from the body a piece of gear is worn.

    Which body parts have which layers is shown in the table on the right; layers and body parts which are not currently used by gear were omitted.

    You cannot wear two pieces of apparel with overlapping coverage in the same layer.