User talk:Jimyoda/Template Transclusion/reply (3)

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Nothing extra need be done, you just specify the variable names and values as usual. MediaWiki calls them page properties. Most properties are set by whatever value a person typed into the page. But certain properties can be, and are, determined by other properties. For example, within Infobox main, an animal's training abilities are determined automatically based on intelligence and body size. It seems that's how the game does it too. But what you see is not a list of all possible parameters. If a parameter is not set to a value within the page, then that property does not exist for that page.

You can also view the properties for any almost page - on the left under Tools, click Browse Properties. (Pages for game objects will have many properties. Pages that are just informational usually only have properties of Categories and Modification date.)

One thing to note is that properties are stored in a database. If you're ever working on a page and a property or something isn't actually showing up to date (especially when that data is shown on another page's table), look for a drop-down arrow just left of the search box. Click the drop down, click Refresh, and that will force an update into the database of changes on that page.

Hope that answered your question and was helpful.