Topic on Talk:Biosculpter pod

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Prios (talkcontribs)

Re: the "If cleanliness of the flooring doesn't matter, why does filth?" clarification question; I don't know, honestly! I just know that if I swap out the tile under the door with concrete flooring, wood flooring, dirt flooring(!), or sterile tile, the pod's cleanliness speed factor remains steady at 115% in all cases (the apparent maximum), as long as I keep the tile and the room itself free of filth—but if there's pod slime and/or other filth in that tile, and I make my pawns avoid cleaning that particular filth by removing only that one tile from the Home area, the speed factor drops dramatically (to below 100%). Possibly flooring is ignored on door tiles, while filth is not. Prios (talk) 22:19, 7 August 2022 (UTC)

NvF (talkcontribs)

The logic tracks - rooms include their wall tiles in their calculations, but not the flooring of tiles designated as walls. If they did, you'd have to build sterile foundations for all your walls to get the same bonus. Walls delete any filth on their tile, and doors are counted as walls. Ergo, they can get dirty, they don't count the floor.

Reply to "Flooring cleanliness vs. filth cleanliness"