Topic on Talk:Human resources

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Albedo (talkcontribs)

I just performed my first organ harvest, and out of curiosity saved the game and tried a variety of variables. In none of them did any surgeon receive any penalty - not the Surgeon penalty, not the "Whole Colony" penalty, nuthin! Tried it with 2 other surgeons, all same - nada. Each time, the "Not the Surgeon This Time" pawns did suffer the colony-wide penalty, so that was happening. (And, no, no psycho's/bloodlust.) Non-vanilla, but no ~overt~ surgery mods - but you never know about unintended hiccups. Can anyone else confirm this? Is this WaI? Big change if so! Albedo (talk) 08:55, 4 February 2022 (UTC)

Ripmorld (talkcontribs)

Ideology , did you turn organ harvesting into "acceptable" ?

Ripmorld (talkcontribs)

Because that is known to completely cancel out the mood debuff

Albedo (talkcontribs)

Sorry, didn't clarify - no Ideology, no Royalty, core only. Storyteller settings = Cassandra, Adventure Story. And this is a recent download, 1.3.3200. Albedo (talk) 18:26, 4 February 2022 (UTC)

Reply to "Surgeon mood penalty missing/Wai?"