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Revision as of 02:23, 28 December 2013 by AcDie (talk | contribs)
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{{infobox main/<translate>en</translate>|building| |name = <translate>Grave</translate> |image = GraveFull.png|<translate>Grave</translate> |info = <translate>R.I.P.</translate> |type = Buildings|<translate>Buildings</translate> |type2 = |placeable = y |size = 1|2 |hp = |speed = |time = |yield = |power = |buy = <translate>Free</translate> |sell = Template:Mi }}<translate>Dumping spot for human and animal corpses. Each grave can be set to individually accept or deny strangers bodies, colonists bodies, and animal corpses.

Putting colonist bodies in graves instead of dumping zones will prevent the "saw colonist body in dump zone" unhappy thought.

[0.0.254] There is no easy method of permanent corpse removal from the game. Using explosive charges (research option) placed in the center of graves allows for the removal (requires 2 charge detonations for corpses to reach 0 health and be removed from the game) of the surrounding corpses inside the graves. The grave structure is not harmed and can be reused indefinitely.</translate>
