Talk:Golden cube

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About this board (talkcontribs)

Got a golden cube from a mysterious cargo quest and immediately loaded it into a drop pod. Chucked it at an imp tribe causing it to be lost, so far they haven't sent it back. The one pawn who got cube curiosity never had it progress past 10%, he went through withdrawal giving him -30 mood for a few days, and fell into a 3-day coma after a week. (talkcontribs)

yup, it's that easy

Reply to "Drop pod disposal" (talkcontribs)

A few of my colonists got into a cube withdrawal coma as they were traveling in a caravan ( They all got a 24 days long coma. After the 24d the colonists woke up with no cube obsession, completely fine. All the other colonists are still worshipping the Cube as usual. I'm not sure why the page calls the coma 'permanent', perhaps there are different versions of cube coma? I will put a verify tag on the mentions of coma duration, we need more confirmations.

Reply to "Withdrawal coma duration."
Maple653 (talkcontribs)

Wouldn't cryptosleep caskets or alternatively anesthetizing every obsessed pawn before destruction or hell even storing them in transport pods without launching be used to prevent this? and i suppose cryptosleep caskets can be used to "reserve" a pawn for destroying it if it doesn't "infect" pawns in stasis. Oh yeah and do violence disabled and dead calm genes also prevent this mental break or is it overridden by the cube.

NykanTheCat (talkcontribs)

Unfortunately was unable to test much as I found much of this info within a solo colonist run with only early to mid level techs and slight help from temporary pawns. All great questions which need dedicated testing.

Turnovus (talkcontribs)

From my playthrough, I can confirm that sedating pawns prevents them from going berserk. Have not tested cryptosleep or transport pods.

Reply to "Regarding the berserk phase."
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