Mechanoid slag chunk

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Mechanoid slag chunk

Mechanoid slag chunk

The remains of a smashed mechanoid. While useless in its current form, it can be smelted to recover steel.

Base Stats

Stack Limit
8 kg
Path Cost
42 (24%)


pass through only
Cover Effectiveness

Mechanoid slag chunk is a smeltable chunk occasionally dropped by Mechanoids upon death.


Mechanoid slag chunks initially spawn on a world map, scattered around the same as the other chunk types. They also have a chance of dropping upon the death of a mechanoid, at the second nearest unoccupied tile to the point of death, where the corpse takes priority in dropping first[Verify]. The chances of a slag chunk drop are loosely related to the class of mechanoid, with light mechs dropping none, medium combat mechs having a 10% chance, heavy combat mechs having a 50% chance, and ultraheavy mechs having a 75% chance, with some exceptions.

The different variants are only graphically distinct and otherwise identical, besides from different mechs dropping chunks that reflect the mechanoid's appearance.

Mechanoid Slag Chunk Drop Chances
Lancer 10% Mechanoid slag chunk L.png or Mechanoid slag chunk M.png
Scyther 10% Mechanoid slag chunk S.png or Mechanoid slag chunk P.png
Pikeman 10% Mechanoid slag chunk L.png or Mechanoid slag chunk Q.png or Mechanoid slag chunk B.png
Centipede 50% Mechanoid slag chunk K.png or Mechanoid slag chunk T.png or Mechanoid slag chunk O.png
TunnelerContent added by the Biotech DLC 50% Mechanoid slag chunk A.png or Mechanoid slag chunk D.png or Mechanoid slag chunk B.png
ScorcherContent added by the Biotech DLC 10% Mechanoid slag chunk L.png or Mechanoid slag chunk Q.png or Mechanoid slag chunk B.png
TesseronContent added by the Biotech DLC 10% Mechanoid slag chunk L.png or Mechanoid slag chunk B.png
LegionaryContent added by the Biotech DLC 10% Mechanoid slag chunk Q.png or Mechanoid slag chunk L.png or Mechanoid slag chunk B.png
CenturionContent added by the Biotech DLC 75% Mechanoid slag chunk A.png or Mechanoid slag chunk I.png or Mechanoid slag chunk D.png
DiabolusContent added by the Biotech DLC 75% Mechanoid slag chunk D.png or Mechanoid slag chunk R.png or Mechanoid slag chunk B.png
War queenContent added by the Biotech DLC 75% Mechanoid slag chunk N.png or Mechanoid slag chunk D.png or Mechanoid slag chunk A.png
ApocritonContent added by the Biotech DLC 75% Mechanoid slag chunk P.png or Mechanoid slag chunk I.png or Mechanoid slag chunk N.png


While providing an increased amount of steel salvage and impromptu cover during mech battles, they can be quite detrimental and disruptive in enclosed spaces: namely kill boxes and melee chokepoints. Upon the death of a mechanoid, a dropped chunk will likely occupy one of the tiles that one of your pawns are on, pushing them off and only allowing them to occupy that tile when pathing across, typically to target an enemy on the other side. These mandate immediate prioritized hauling in order to limit the effect they have on your combat formation.


Version history[edit]

  • 1.5.4062 - Added. Certain large mechanoids have a chance to drop a “mechanoid slag chunk” when they’re broken down - these act like steel slag chunks and can be smelted for steel. (These are also replacing ancient mech detritus in Ideology.)