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A wrapped piece of fabric which covers the wearer's hair.

Base Stats

Tech Level
0.08 kg


Insulation Factor - Cold
Insulation Factor - Heat
Armor Factor - Sharp
Armor Factor - Blunt
Armor Factor - Heat
Clothing For Nudity
Head, Left Ear, Right Ear
Child, Adult


Crafted At
Hand tailor bench / Electric tailor bench
Work To Make
1,400 ticks (23.33 secs)
Work Speed Stat
General Labor Speed
Stuff Tags
Resources to make
Stuff 20
Has Quality

Headwraps are a form of clothing added by the Ideology DLC. Traditional head coverings.


Headwraps can be crafted at a hand tailor bench or electric tailor bench, each requiring Stuff 20 Stuff (Fabric) and 1,400 ticks (23.33 secs) of work modified by the general labor speed of the crafter and the work to make factor of the material. Leathers cannot be used to craft broadwraps.

They can also be purchased from traders, and found on pawns from factions with them as an ideoligious headwear requirement.


The headwrap doesn't stand out in any field. It provides no social bonus, and has poorer insulation than the similarly priced bowler hat. It has more armor than the hat, but a steel simple helmet is better than all but headwraps made of the a rare hyperweave, which is better spent elsewhere. If short on metals or flush with textiles, then the broadwrap has the same armor rating, superior coverage, and better insulation and is only slightly more expensive. This leaves the headwrap without a niche, and most players will find no use for it outside of finding one, aesthetics, or random selection as an ideoligion's headwear.

Stats table

Feature Toggle
QualityRitual Quality Check Off.pngRitual Quality Check On.png
  • Headwrap Headwrap Sharp Blunt Heat HP Insulation
    - Cold
    - Heat
    Market Value
    Awful Alpaca wool Alpaca wool 5.4% 0% 16.5% 80 -2.4 °C (-4.3 °F) +1.28 °C (2.3 °F) 41 Silver
    Awful Bison wool Bison wool 5.4% 0% 16.5% 80 -2.08 °C (-3.7 °F) +0.96 °C (1.7 °F) 30 Silver
    Awful Cloth Cloth 5.4% 0% 2.7% 80 -1.44 °C (-2.6 °F) +1.44 °C (2.6 °F) 18 Silver
    Awful Devilstrand Devilstrand 21% 5.4% 45% 104 -1.6 °C (-2.9 °F) +1.92 °C (3.5 °F) 58 Silver
    Awful Hyperweave Hyperweave 30% 8.1% 43.2% 192 -2.08 °C (-3.7 °F) +2.08 °C (3.7 °F) 93 Silver
    Awful Megasloth wool Megasloth wool 12% 0% 16.5% 80 -2.72 °C (-4.9 °F) +0.96 °C (1.7 °F) 30 Silver
    Awful Muffalo wool Muffalo wool 5.4% 0% 16.5% 80 -2.24 °C (-4 °F) +0.96 °C (1.7 °F) 30 Silver
    Awful Sheep wool Sheep wool 5.4% 0% 16.5% 80 -2.08 °C (-3.7 °F) +0.8 °C (1.4 °F) 30 Silver
    Awful Synthread Synthread 14.1% 3.9% 13.5% 104 -1.76 °C (-3.2 °F) +1.76 °C (3.2 °F) 43 Silver
    Poor Alpaca wool Alpaca wool 7.2% 0% 22% 80 -2.7 °C (-4.9 °F) +1.44 °C (2.6 °F) 61 Silver
    Poor Bison wool Bison wool 7.2% 0% 22% 80 -2.34 °C (-4.2 °F) +1.08 °C (1.9 °F) 44 Silver
    Poor Cloth Cloth 7.2% 0% 3.6% 80 -1.62 °C (-2.9 °F) +1.62 °C (2.9 °F) 26 Silver
    Poor Devilstrand Devilstrand 28% 7.2% 60% 104 -1.8 °C (-3.2 °F) +2.16 °C (3.9 °F) 86 Silver
    Poor Hyperweave Hyperweave 40% 10.8% 57.6% 192 -2.34 °C (-4.2 °F) +2.34 °C (4.2 °F) 139 Silver
    Poor Megasloth wool Megasloth wool 16% 0% 22% 80 -3.06 °C (-5.5 °F) +1.08 °C (1.9 °F) 44 Silver
    Poor Muffalo wool Muffalo wool 7.2% 0% 22% 80 -2.52 °C (-4.5 °F) +1.08 °C (1.9 °F) 44 Silver
    Poor Sheep wool Sheep wool 7.2% 0% 22% 80 -2.34 °C (-4.2 °F) +0.9 °C (1.6 °F) 44 Silver
    Poor Synthread Synthread 18.8% 5.2% 18% 104 -1.98 °C (-3.6 °F) +1.98 °C (3.6 °F) 64 Silver
    Normal Alpaca wool Alpaca wool 9% 0% 27.5% 80 -3 °C (-5.4 °F) +1.6 °C (2.9 °F) 81 Silver
    Normal Bison wool Bison wool 9% 0% 27.5% 80 -2.6 °C (-4.7 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 59 Silver
    Normal Cloth Cloth 9% 0% 4.5% 80 -1.8 °C (-3.2 °F) +1.8 °C (3.2 °F) 35 Silver
    Normal Devilstrand Devilstrand 35% 9% 75% 104 -2 °C (-3.6 °F) +2.4 °C (4.3 °F) 115 Silver
    Normal Hyperweave Hyperweave 50% 13.5% 72% 192 -2.6 °C (-4.7 °F) +2.6 °C (4.7 °F) 185 Silver
    Normal Megasloth wool Megasloth wool 20% 0% 27.5% 80 -3.4 °C (-6.1 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 59 Silver
    Normal Muffalo wool Muffalo wool 9% 0% 27.5% 80 -2.8 °C (-5 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 59 Silver
    Normal Sheep wool Sheep wool 9% 0% 27.5% 80 -2.6 °C (-4.7 °F) +1 °C (1.8 °F) 59 Silver
    Normal Synthread Synthread 23.5% 6.5% 22.5% 104 -2.2 °C (-4 °F) +2.2 °C (4 °F) 85 Silver
    Good Alpaca wool Alpaca wool 10.35% 0% 31.63% 80 -3.3 °C (-5.9 °F) +1.76 °C (3.2 °F) 101 Silver
    Good Bison wool Bison wool 10.35% 0% 31.63% 80 -2.86 °C (-5.1 °F) +1.32 °C (2.4 °F) 74 Silver
    Good Cloth Cloth 10.35% 0% 5.18% 80 -1.98 °C (-3.6 °F) +1.98 °C (3.6 °F) 44 Silver
    Good Devilstrand Devilstrand 40.25% 10.35% 86.25% 104 -2.2 °C (-4 °F) +2.64 °C (4.8 °F) 144 Silver
    Good Hyperweave Hyperweave 57.5% 15.53% 82.8% 192 -2.86 °C (-5.1 °F) +2.86 °C (5.1 °F) 230 Silver
    Good Megasloth wool Megasloth wool 23% 0% 31.63% 80 -3.74 °C (-6.7 °F) +1.32 °C (2.4 °F) 74 Silver
    Good Muffalo wool Muffalo wool 10.35% 0% 31.63% 80 -3.08 °C (-5.5 °F) +1.32 °C (2.4 °F) 74 Silver
    Good Sheep wool Sheep wool 10.35% 0% 31.63% 80 -2.86 °C (-5.1 °F) +1.1 °C (2 °F) 74 Silver
    Good Synthread Synthread 27.03% 7.48% 25.88% 104 -2.42 °C (-4.4 °F) +2.42 °C (4.4 °F) 106 Silver
    Excellent Alpaca wool Alpaca wool 11.7% 0% 35.75% 80 -3.6 °C (-6.5 °F) +1.92 °C (3.5 °F) 122 Silver
    Excellent Bison wool Bison wool 11.7% 0% 35.75% 80 -3.12 °C (-5.6 °F) +1.44 °C (2.6 °F) 89 Silver
    Excellent Cloth Cloth 11.7% 0% 5.85% 80 -2.16 °C (-3.9 °F) +2.16 °C (3.9 °F) 53 Silver
    Excellent Devilstrand Devilstrand 45.5% 11.7% 97.5% 104 -2.4 °C (-4.3 °F) +2.88 °C (5.2 °F) 173 Silver
    Excellent Hyperweave Hyperweave 65% 17.55% 93.6% 192 -3.12 °C (-5.6 °F) +3.12 °C (5.6 °F) 275 Silver
    Excellent Megasloth wool Megasloth wool 26% 0% 35.75% 80 -4.08 °C (-7.3 °F) +1.44 °C (2.6 °F) 89 Silver
    Excellent Muffalo wool Muffalo wool 11.7% 0% 35.75% 80 -3.36 °C (-6 °F) +1.44 °C (2.6 °F) 89 Silver
    Excellent Sheep wool Sheep wool 11.7% 0% 35.75% 80 -3.12 °C (-5.6 °F) +1.2 °C (2.2 °F) 89 Silver
    Excellent Synthread Synthread 30.55% 8.45% 29.25% 104 -2.64 °C (-4.8 °F) +2.64 °C (4.8 °F) 128 Silver
    Masterwork Alpaca wool Alpaca wool 13.05% 0% 39.88% 80 -4.5 °C (-8.1 °F) +2.4 °C (4.3 °F) 200 Silver
    Masterwork Bison wool Bison wool 13.05% 0% 39.88% 80 -3.9 °C (-7 °F) +1.8 °C (3.2 °F) 148 Silver
    Masterwork Cloth Cloth 13.05% 0% 6.53% 80 -2.7 °C (-4.9 °F) +2.7 °C (4.9 °F) 88 Silver
    Masterwork Devilstrand Devilstrand 50.75% 13.05% 108.75% 104 -3 °C (-5.4 °F) +3.6 °C (6.5 °F) 285 Silver
    Masterwork Hyperweave Hyperweave 72.5% 19.58% 104.4% 192 -3.9 °C (-7 °F) +3.9 °C (7 °F) 460 Silver
    Masterwork Megasloth wool Megasloth wool 29% 0% 39.88% 80 -5.1 °C (-9.2 °F) +1.8 °C (3.2 °F) 148 Silver
    Masterwork Muffalo wool Muffalo wool 13.05% 0% 39.88% 80 -4.2 °C (-7.6 °F) +1.8 °C (3.2 °F) 148 Silver
    Masterwork Sheep wool Sheep wool 13.05% 0% 39.88% 80 -3.9 °C (-7 °F) +1.5 °C (2.7 °F) 148 Silver
    Masterwork Synthread Synthread 34.08% 9.43% 32.63% 104 -3.3 °C (-5.9 °F) +3.3 °C (5.9 °F) 210 Silver
    Legendary Alpaca wool Alpaca wool 16.2% 0% 49.5% 80 -5.4 °C (-9.7 °F) +2.88 °C (5.2 °F) 405 Silver
    Legendary Bison wool Bison wool 16.2% 0% 49.5% 80 -4.68 °C (-8.4 °F) +2.16 °C (3.9 °F) 295 Silver
    Legendary Cloth Cloth 16.2% 0% 8.1% 80 -3.24 °C (-5.8 °F) +3.24 °C (5.8 °F) 175 Silver
    Legendary Devilstrand Devilstrand 63% 16.2% 135% 104 -3.6 °C (-6.5 °F) +4.32 °C (7.8 °F) 575 Silver
    Legendary Hyperweave Hyperweave 90% 24.3% 129.6% 192 -4.68 °C (-8.4 °F) +4.68 °C (8.4 °F) 925 Silver
    Legendary Megasloth wool Megasloth wool 36% 0% 49.5% 80 -6.12 °C (-11 °F) +2.16 °C (3.9 °F) 295 Silver
    Legendary Muffalo wool Muffalo wool 16.2% 0% 49.5% 80 -5.04 °C (-9.1 °F) +2.16 °C (3.9 °F) 295 Silver
    Legendary Sheep wool Sheep wool 16.2% 0% 49.5% 80 -4.68 °C (-8.4 °F) +1.8 °C (3.2 °F) 295 Silver
    Legendary Synthread Synthread 42.3% 11.7% 40.5% 104 -3.96 °C (-7.1 °F) +3.96 °C (7.1 °F) 425 Silver

    For the full effects of qualities, see Quality.

  • Version history[edit]