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save file

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datamining stuff related to prisoners...

private static float PopIntentAdjustedRecruitDifficulty(float baseDifficulty, float popIntent) { float num = Mathf.Clamp(popIntent, 0.25f, 3f); return 1f - (1f - baseDifficulty) * num; }

public static void DoTable_PopIntentRecruitDifficulty() { List<float> list = new List<float>(); for (float num = -1f; num < 3f; num += 0.1f) { list.Add(num); } List<float> colValues = new List<float> { 0.1f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.4f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 0.7f, 0.8f, 0.9f, 0.95f, 0.99f }; DebugTables.MakeTablesDialog<float, float>(colValues, (float d) => "d=" + d.ToString("F0"), list, (float rv) => rv.ToString("F1"), (float d, float pi) => PawnUtility.PopIntentAdjustedRecruitDifficulty(d, pi).ToStringPercent(), "intents");


The below graphs assume an unmodified shooter using a Normal quality weapon.

Assault rifle's accuracy with various shooters without any trait.

Assault rifle's accuracy with various shooters with careful shooter.

Assault rifle's accuracy with various shooters with trigger-happy.



As we can observe, most filth have an increased beauty debuff when inside. Also, chunks do have an influence of -6 cleanliness (tested in a clean 1x1 room with wood floor).

Note that mud can not be built over, so you will rarely have the occasion to build a room filled with mud (why would you?). Test done by surrounding a small mud chunk with walls and building a roof over.

Also good to mention, items and raw meat do NOT have any effect on cleanliness. You can store medicine in your hospitals.


  • After a fight, colonists in need of treatment will often bleed huge amounts of blood. A proper hospital should be able to withstand up to -35 cleanliness (-105 beauty) per patients to keep cleanliness at 0. It counts as most patients will bleed up to 2-3 times (-10 cleanliness per bloody tiles and -30 beauty) and the doctor or the patient may add in -5 cleanliness (or -15 beauty) due to dirt.
    • The cheapest design to keep at least [0 <= cleanliness] would be to opt for a 6 x 10 (for at least 59 tiles) hospital for one bed.
    • The most effective option to keep at least [0.40 < cleanliness] would be to use a 14 x 14 (for at least 195 tiles) hospital for one bed.
  • Better to note, long term health care do not need such rooms. If you can afford to clean the hospital before healing/operating on a patient you might only need to worry about -20 debuff for cleanliness as you will only have to worry about the new blood spilling form the patient in bed (bleeds slower).
    • The cheapest design to keep at [0 <= cleanliness] would be 4x5 (for at least 17).
    • The most effective to keep at [0.40 < cleanliness] would be 6x5 (for at least 34).
