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Quests are a class of event, where actions must be performed, or special circumstances arise, in order to gain a reward.


Quests are found in the Quests tab. Most quests are offered by a faction, but they can be offered by individual pawns or even unaligned AI's. Most quests have to be accepted, but some are automatically given. Some quests have requirements to be accepted, and others have a time limit for acceptance. Quests can be "trashed" by clicking on the trash can icon, but this can be reversed (Quests/Historical).

Most quests are time sensitive, and have one or both of these timers:

  • The first timer is the limit to accept the quest. If not accepted, the quest will be rejected.
  • The second timer is the time to do the quest, or how long a quest's condition lasts for.


Rewards vary greatly - from simple plasteel and uranium, to quest-exclusive items like tornado generators and vanometric power cells, to factional goodwill and new colonists. Quests may only have 1 reward, or they can have a pool of 3 rewards to choose from.

Reward preferences can be altered at the bottom of the quest menu. This allows you to choose if you want goodwill or honorContent added by the Royalty DLC from a specific faction. Disabling these rewards means you'll get another pool of rewards to choose from.

List of quests (Core)



