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Hello! I'm a modder who's trying to clean up the modding tutorials pages, which are quite out-of-date. So far, I've rewritten the classic Plague Gun tutorial.

If you've been helped by my contributions on this site please check out my mods on Github and Steam.


Royalty compatibility




D9 Framework: [code]PatchOperationFindPackage[/code] or [code]PatchOperationRoyaltyInstalled[/code]

Version Control Intro

An introduction to using Github for version control, with an eye toward Rimworld modding. Will go through my particular setup, and various tips and tricks, like:

  • Having a separate dev folder from the Rimworld mods folder
  • Build events copying from the dev folder into the build folder
  • .gitignore settings


Example Comp Project

This project will teach players how to use ThingComps, load textures in C#, and make gizmos.

Introduction to core mods

This project will teach players how to use basic Harmony patches and demonstrate the use of MapComponents (or maybe game/world ones, idk)