Topic on User talk:Cheldra

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Wow, you have done a ton. A few things:

Not everything needs to be in the infobox. The infoboxes are already getting too big as is and some of it isn't necessary. If its not a something that will need to be quickly referenced or something that needs automatic stuff done to it, then it likely doesn't need to be in there. For example, the slabs do show unique behavior (with properties of floors and buildings at the same time), but the edifice line and property is completely obscure for the reader, isn't used anywhere else, and could be replaced with information in the summary and maybe a general page about how similar things work.

leavesresourceswhendestroyed = false is redundant when you can override destroy yield with "none" or some equivalent which maintains clarity for editors that don't rely on the xmls. deconstructyieldfraction is arguably similar, but it is convenient. Manual settings are necessary as while technically things like the Infinite Chemreactor have cost lists that are used to generate the their yields, having that cost list defined would just be confusing to editors and readers.

On the opposite note, flammability is one of those oft-referenced stats, and shouldn't be removed from building pages where its 0. A reader can't tell the difference between it not being present because its meant to be 0 flammability and the wiki just being incomplete.

Light radius - lights have a defined color as well as the radius, the color of the light affects the brightness - standing lamps and red standing lamps both have a light radius of 12, but 9 tiles over the plain lamp is still considered "lit", while its only 7 for the red. Light radius itself is not a particularly useful value both because of this, and because its not super clear to the reader how that translates into "lit" area. If we could calculate the "lit radius" automatically from the glowRadius and glowColor then that would be a useful inclusion, but not really otherwise.

If you're creating a new page from current data, feel free to tag it as verified for the current version. Everything on the page has to be current after all.

Facilities and research requirements can't be set the way you have set them, but I think maybe they should be. I'll set it up tomorrow.

Lastly, placeable, rotateable, blocks wind, minifiable etc perhaps they should be standardized to be boolean properties rather than text as they are now? Pages with them already defined will have to be changed over to the right format before the property pages themselves are updated, but it might make things clearer and easier.