Topic on Talk:Sea Ice Guide

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Yes I make guides about building big prosperous colonies, not about escaping the planet. But it is implicit that you can build the ship once you reach “stable” status by the end of the guide. It is also about being pratical, 99% of players never build and do not care about the ship.

There is no way to make meaningful progress in this biome without a nearby faction base. That applies to all starts. If there was a challenging way I would write about it, but the only way is by sitting in base waiting steel to fall from skies, which is plain boring.

In Naked Brutality all you gotta do is summon Man In Black. He will provide you a gun, clothes, food and a slave. You can sell him and the vest for about 500 silver which you can use to buy materials to start your base. It is gonna be very slow with only one guy trading since materials are heavy, but eventually you will get a second colonist and the game becames just like Crash Landed. Tribal is harder since it takes much longer to research electricity and beyond than it takes to gather materials to build electrical things.