Topic on Talk:Backstories

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To add some background information, I've ripped the data for all the B19 background stories from the datafiles. There are way more background stories than currently listed on the pages.

There are 36 regular Childhood stories and 85 regular Adulthood stories. This includes both "Arrival" and "Tribal" stories, as well as few other ones that normally aren't be applied to "Arrival" or "Tribal", but can be found on others, such as Hermit.

Then there are 282 specific characters with their own unique Childhood and Adulthood stories, adding 282 additional Childhood and 282 additional Adulthood stories.

However, when trying to display more than 200ish stories in table format on a single page, the page will fail to load due to resource issues.

The regular Childhood and Adulthood stories all fit on the main Backstory page without any trouble, but the unique Childhood and Adulthood stories would have to be split off to different pages, at least 3, if we want to display them all.

Originally I was thinking of keeping the unique Childhood and Adulthood stories together. They always appear together on the same colonist, after all. However, that would mean that the 323ish backgrounds would have to be split in another arbitrary way.