Royalty (DLC)

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Revision as of 03:45, 25 February 2020 by TheNewTeddy (talk | contribs) (why cant I make new pages? I'm going to have to put all the title information here now.)
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Royalty is a new paid DLC that was released alongside update 1.1.

It includes the ability to obtain various Titles

at Esquire, your pawn will no longer clean, and will demand the following: Ruffle Shirt, Top Hat, Any powered armor, Any psycaster apparel. Also demanded is a throneroom that contains a Throne, 24 tiles in room area, all floored, 2 braziers, and those braziers must be lit. They will also demand the following bedroom: 26 tiles in area, all floored, with a double bed. They will only eat the following foods: Lavish Meal, Fine Meal, Insect Jelly, Packaged Survival Meal, Simple Meal, Pemmican, Milk, Berries, and Chocolate. Additionally they will gain the ability to call a trooper squad, and is allowed to use two Psychic amplifiers.