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return {
	["MealSurvivalPack"] = {
		["label"] = "packaged survival meal",
		["description"] = "A high-quality packaged meal, manufactured for use in survival situations. While it never rots, it can still deteriorate if left outside. Great for traveling.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 0.25,
			["MarketValue"] = 24,
			["Mass"] = 0.3,
			["WorkToMake"] = 450,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.9,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 50,
			["Beauty"] = 0,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "MealSimple",
			["optimalityOffsetHumanlikes"] = -5,
			["optimalityOffsetFeedingAnimals"] = -10,
			["foodType"] = "Meal",
			["maxNumToIngestAtOnce"] = 1,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["stackLimit"] = 10,
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["MealNutrientPaste"] = {
		["label"] = "nutrient paste meal",
		["description"] = "A synthetic mixture of protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins, amino acids and minerals. Everything the body needs, and absolutely disgusting.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 10,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.9,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 50,
			["Beauty"] = 0,
			["Mass"] = 0.44,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 10,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "MealAwful",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteAwfulMeal",
			["foodType"] = "Meal",
			["maxNumToIngestAtOnce"] = 1,
			["optimalityOffsetHumanlikes"] = 16,
		["tradeability"] = "Buyable",
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["stackLimit"] = 10,
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["MealSimple"] = {
		["label"] = "simple meal",
		["description"] = "A simple meal quickly cooked from one main ingredient.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 15,
			["WorkToMake"] = 300,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.9,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 50,
			["Beauty"] = 0,
			["Mass"] = 0.44,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 10,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "MealSimple",
			["foodType"] = "Meal",
			["maxNumToIngestAtOnce"] = 1,
			["optimalityOffsetHumanlikes"] = 16,
		["tradeability"] = "Buyable",
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["stackLimit"] = 10,
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["MealFine"] = {
		["label"] = "fine meal",
		["description"] = "A complex dish assembled with care from a variety of ingredients.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 20,
			["WorkToMake"] = 450,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.9,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 50,
			["Beauty"] = 0,
			["Mass"] = 0.44,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 10,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "MealFine",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteFineMeal",
			["foodType"] = "Meal",
			["maxNumToIngestAtOnce"] = 1,
			["optimalityOffsetHumanlikes"] = 16,
		["tradeability"] = "Buyable",
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["stackLimit"] = 10,
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["MealLavish"] = {
		["label"] = "lavish meal",
		["description"] = "A masterpiece of the culinary arts, this meal nourishes the body, mind, and soul.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 40,
			["WorkToMake"] = 800,
			["Nutrition"] = 1,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 50,
			["Beauty"] = 0,
			["Mass"] = 0.44,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 10,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "MealLavish",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteLavishMeal",
			["foodType"] = "Meal",
			["maxNumToIngestAtOnce"] = 1,
			["optimalityOffsetHumanlikes"] = 16,
		["tradeability"] = "Buyable",
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["stackLimit"] = 10,
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["Kibble"] = {
		["label"] = "kibble",
		["description"] = "Animal feed made from mixed meat and plant sources. Humans can eat it, but they really, really don't like it.",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 1.1,
			["Mass"] = 0.015,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["foodType"] = "Kibble",
			["preferability"] = "RawBad",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteKibble",
			["optimalityOffsetHumanlikes"] = -30,
			["optimalityOffsetFeedingAnimals"] = 15,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["Pemmican"] = {
		["label"] = "pemmican",
		["description"] = "A preserved mashed mixture of fat and plant food. Tastes bland, but not offensive. It lasts a very long time without refrigeration. Great for traveling.",
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 1.4,
			["Mass"] = 0.018,
			["WorkToMake"] = 700,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["foodType"] = "Meal",
			["preferability"] = "MealSimple",
			["optimalityOffsetHumanlikes"] = 6,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["Chocolate"] = {
		["label"] = "chocolate",
		["description"] = "A delicious preparation of cocoa seeds ground together with sugar and vanilla. It fulfills the need for recreation, but it is not very nutritious.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["MarketValue"] = 3,
			["Mass"] = 0.075,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 8,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.1,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "Processed",
			["joy"] = 0.10,
			["joyKind"] = "Gluttonous",
			["maxNumToIngestAtOnce"] = 4,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["Milk"] = {
		["label"] = "milk",
		["description"] = "Milk from an animal.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 3.1,
			["Mass"] = 0.045,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "RawTasty",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct, Fluid",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["InsectJelly"] = {
		["label"] = "insect jelly",
		["description"] = "Jelly stored and used as food by oversized insects. It is smooth, rich, and fulfills the recreation need of those who consume it. Because of its unique biological properties, it can nourish almost any creature and never rots.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 8.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.025,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["preferability"] = "MealFine",
			["joy"] = 0.08,
			["joyKind"] = "Gluttonous",
			["canAutoSelectAsFoodForCaravan"] = false,
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggChickenUnfertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "chicken egg (unfert.)",
		["description"] = "An unfertilized chicken egg. It can be eaten raw, but it's much, much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 7.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "RawBad",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggChickenFertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "chicken egg (fert.)",
		["description"] = "A fertilized chicken egg. If all goes well, it should hatch into a chick. It can be eaten raw, but it's much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 7.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Normal",
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggCobraFertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "cobra egg (fert.)",
		["description"] = "A fertilized cobra egg. If all goes well, it should hatch into a baby cobra. It can be eaten raw, but it's much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 40.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Normal",
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggIguanaFertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "iguana egg (fert.)",
		["description"] = "A fertilized iguana egg. If all goes well, it should hatch into a baby iguana. It can be eaten raw, but it's much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 25.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Normal",
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggTortoiseFertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "tortoise egg (fert.)",
		["description"] = "A fertilized tortoise egg. If all goes well, it should hatch into a baby tortoise. It can be eaten raw, but it's much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 23.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Normal",
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggCassowaryFertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "cassowary egg (fert.)",
		["description"] = "A fertilized cassowary egg. If all goes well, it should hatch into a baby cassowary. It can be eaten raw, but it's much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 19.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Normal",
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggEmuFertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "emu egg (fert.)",
		["description"] = "A fertilized emu egg. If all goes well, it should hatch into a baby emu. It can be eaten raw, but it's much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 18.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Normal",
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggOstrichFertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "ostrich egg (fert.)",
		["description"] = "A fertilized ostrich egg. If all goes well, it should hatch into a baby ostrich. It can be eaten raw, but it's much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 23.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Normal",
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggTurkeyFertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "turkey egg (fert.)",
		["description"] = "A fertilized turkey egg. If all goes well, it should hatch into a baby turkey. It can be eaten raw, but it's much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 11.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Normal",
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggDuckUnfertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "duck egg (unfert.)",
		["description"] = "An unfertilized duck egg. It can be eaten raw, but it's much, much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 7.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "RawBad",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggDuckFertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "duck egg (fert.)",
		["description"] = "A fertilized duck egg. If all goes well, it should hatch into a duckling. It can be eaten raw, but it's much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 7.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Normal",
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggGooseUnfertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "goose egg (unfert.)",
		["description"] = "An unfertilized goose egg. It can be eaten raw, but it's much, much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 9.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "RawBad",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["EggGooseFertilized"] = {
		["label"] = "goose egg (fert.)",
		["description"] = "A fertilized goose egg. If all goes well, it should hatch into a baby goose. It can be eaten raw, but it's much better cooked.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 11.0,
			["Mass"] = 0.15,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 20,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 2,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.25,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Normal",
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "AnimalProduct",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["RawPotatoes"] = {
		["label"] = "potatoes",
		["description"] = "Raw potatoes.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 1.1,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Mass"] = 0.03,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["foodType"] = "VegetableOrFruit",
			["preferability"] = "RawBad",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["RawFungus"] = {
		["label"] = "raw fungus",
		["description"] = "Raw fungus.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 1.1,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Mass"] = 0.03,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["foodType"] = "VegetableOrFruit",
			["preferability"] = "RawBad",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["RawRice"] = {
		["label"] = "rice",
		["description"] = "Raw rice.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 1.1,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Mass"] = 0.03,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["foodType"] = "Seed",
			["preferability"] = "RawBad",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["RawAgave"] = {
		["label"] = "agave fruit",
		["description"] = "Raw agave fruit.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 1.1,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Mass"] = 0.03,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["foodType"] = "VegetableOrFruit",
			["preferability"] = "RawBad",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["RawCorn"] = {
		["label"] = "corn",
		["description"] = "Raw corn.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 1.1,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Mass"] = 0.03,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["ingestible"] = {
			["foodType"] = "VegetableOrFruit",
			["preferability"] = "RawBad",
			["tasteThought"] = "AteRawFood",
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["RawBerries"] = {
		["label"] = "berries",
		["description"] = "Assorted berries. Nice to eat, even when raw.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 1.2,
			["Mass"] = 0.027,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["FoodPoisonChanceFixedHuman"] = 0.02,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "RawTasty",
			--WARNING: tasteThought was processed as str, but was found empty!
			["foodType"] = "VegetableOrFruit",
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["Hay"] = {
		["label"] = "hay",
		["description"] = "Nutrient-rich grasses and shoots, harvested and compacted for storage. Hay is good animal feed, but inedible for humans.",
		["stackLimit"] = 200,
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 0.6,
			["Mass"] = 0.014,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["ingestible"] = {
			["optimalityOffsetFeedingAnimals"] = 7,
			["foodType"] = "Plant",
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnlyForHumanlikes",
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["RawHops"] = {
		["label"] = "hops",
		["description"] = "Raw hops. A flavoring and preserving agent that is necessary for making beer.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 1.3,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Mass"] = 0.03,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "Plant",
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["PsychoidLeaves"] = {
		["label"] = "psychoid leaves",
		["description"] = "Raw cut leaves of a psychoid plant. Can be refined into various form of the stimulant drug psychite.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 1.9,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Mass"] = 0.03,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "Plant",
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???
	["SmokeleafLeaves"] = {
		["label"] = "smokeleaf leaves",
		["description"] = "Raw cut leaves of a smokeleaf plant. Can be rolled into smokeable joints at a crafting spot.",
		["statBases"] = {
			["MarketValue"] = 1.6,
			["Nutrition"] = 0.05,
			["MaxHitPoints"] = 60,
			["DeteriorationRate"] = 6,
			["Mass"] = 0.03,
			["Beauty"] = -4,
		["comps"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["thingCategories"] = {
			-- ERROR: list elements not supported yet, sorry.
		["ingestible"] = {
			["preferability"] = "DesperateOnly",
			["foodType"] = "Plant",
		["tickerType"] = "Rare",
		["healthAffectsPrice"] = false,
		["thingClass"] = "ThingWithComps",
		["category"] = "Item",
		["stackLimit"] = 75,
		["alwaysHaulable"] = true,
		-- ERROR: pathCost is set to nonexistent process ???