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Dev version at Module:Test

-- This module is to contain code for parsing a defName parameter and returning
-- information about the Def from Module:DefInfo/data*.  See talk page for more
-- info

local p = {}

local Races = mw.loadData('Module:Test/data/races')
local Biomes = mw.loadData('Module:Test/data/biomes')

local function find_key_in_table(key, table)
  for k, v in pairs(table) do
    if k == key then return v
    elseif type(v) == "table" then
      local found = find_key_in_table(key, v)
      if found then return found end

local function parent_defName(def, category)
  local parent_name = category[def]["ParentName"]
  if type(category[parent_name]) == "table" then return parent_name end

local function find_in_parents(tag, def, category)
  if not category[def] then return def .. " not found in category" end
  local parent_def = parent_defName(def, category)
  if not parent_def then return tag .." not found in parent defs" end
  local found = find_key_in_table(tag, category[parent_def])
  if found then return found
    found = find_in_parents(tag, parent_def, category)
    if found then return found end

local function query(tag, def, category)
  if not category[def] then return def .. " not found in category" end
  local found = find_key_in_table(tag, category[def])
  if found then return found end
  found = find_in_parents(tag, def, category)
  if found then return found end
  return tag .. " not found"

function p.query(frame)
  local category = nil
  if frame.args[1] == "Races" then category = Races end
  if frame.args[1] == "Biomes" then category = Biomes end
  local def = frame.args[2]
  local tag = frame.args[3]
  return query(tag, def, category)

mw.log("Module:DefInfo:os.clock() " .. os.clock()*1000 .. " ms")

return p