Mechanoid cluster

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Added in Royalty was the "Mechanoid Cluster" event - there are usually (always?) associated with quests. During this event a fleet of drop pods will come down, deploying mechanoids, walls, turrets, and assorted buildings. These mechanoids will initially be dormant, and eventually be awakened by either the player attacking, a Proximity activator being tripped, or a Count-down activator finishing its count down.

Building types

Miscellaneous buildings

Building Type Image Health Description Effect Size Must be destroyed to kill cluster
Mech capsule ? 180 A mechanoid storage and deployment capsule. It can contain a number of mechanoids, ready to emerge and fight upon being awakened Releases between ? and ? mechanoids when triggered. 2x3 ?
Mech assembler ? 260 An automated mechanoid factory. It periodically assembles and deploys new mechanoids. Releases 1 mechanoid of a single type periodically. Exact time varies 3x3 Yes
Mech drop beacon ? 100 A mechanoid reinforcement drop beacon. When activated, it calls in a group of mechs to land in drop pods nearby. Calls mechanoid reinforcements in a local area. 1x1 No
Proximity activator ? 100 A proximity alarm for dormant mechanoids. If it detects a human-like threat nearby, it will awaken any nearby dormant mechanoids or structures. Activates any nearby sleeping mechanoids. 1x1 No
Count-down activator ? 100 A timed mechanoid activation unit. After counting down, it will wake nearby dormant mechanoids and structures. Activates any nearby sleeping mechanoids. 1x1 No
Bullet shield ? 200 A shielding device which projects a momentum repulsor field. Shots can go out, but not in. This one is tuned to low angles, so it will block ground-level projectiles like bullets. The unit can be temporarily disabled by EMP attacks, either by shocking the projector unit itself, or using EMP munitions on the shield. Blocks pawn's projectiles from firearms. 1x1 No
Mortar shield ? 200 A shielding device which projects a momentum repulsor field. Shots can go out, but not in. This one is tuned to high angles, so it will block mortar rounds. The unit can be temporarily disabled by EMP attacks, either by shocking the projector unit itself, or using EMP munitions on the shield. Blocks mortar rounds. 1x1 No


Building Type Image Health Description Effect Size Must be destroyed to kill cluster
Psychic droner ? 450 An archotech device transmitting the thoughts of a mad superintelligence. It generates a massive psychic drone tuned to one gender and affecting a whole region of the planet. People of that gender will be disturbed by the effect, reducing their mood and possibly drivng them insane. The effect is modulated by an individuals psychic sensitivity. Creates a gender specific Psychic Drone 6x6 Yes
Toxic Spewer ? 450 An ultratech weapon of mass destruction designed for area denial. This device harvests available compounds and converts them into self-reproducing poisons. By spewing these into the atmosphere, it can poison a whole region of the planet. Causes toxic fallout across the map and a radius of 3 hexes on the world map. 6x5 Yes
Smoke Spewer ? 450 An ultratech weapon of mass destruction designed for area denial. By harvesting available compounds and converting them into self-reproducing opaque molecules, it can spew enough smoke to block the sun in a whole region of the planet. Prevents sunlight shining through during day. Affects the worldmap with a radius of 10. 6x5 Yes
Sun Blocker ? 450 An ultratech machine that generates a sheet of exotic fields at high altitude, turning the sky opaque and blocking the sun. Blocks the sun akin to an eclipse. Affects the worldmap by 10 hexes. 4x6 Yes
Psychic Suppressor ? 450 An archotech device that generates a massive psychic suppression field tuned to a particular gender. People of that gender have their psychic activity suppressed, reducing their consciousness. The effect is modulated by an individual's psychic sensitivity. Causes a specific gender to be in constant pain, reducing their consciousness and making any psycasts less effective. Affects the worldmap by 10 hexes. 6x6 Yes
Weather Controller ? 450 An ultratech device for controlling weather. Using chemicals and exotic fields, it forces the weather into a particular configuration. Causes a local weather phenomena on the local and world map by 10 hexes. 6x6 Yes
EMI dynamo ? 450 A massive electromagnetic interference generator. It interferes with or shuts down electrical devices in nearby regions. Causes electrical equipment to malfunction akin to a solar flare. Affects a radius of 10 hexes on the worldmap. 4x6 Yes
Defoliator ? 400 An area-denial device which annihilates nearby plants without affecting animals. In planetary wars, these weapons are scattered across farmlands or jungles to deny the enemy food or cover. They're usually associated with orbital-drop mechanoid swarms. Kills all plantlife in a slowly expanding radius eventually affecting the whole map given enough time. 2x2 Yes
Climate adjuster ? 450 An ultratech device for controlling climate. Using chemicals and exotic fields to manipulate the atmosphere, It shifts the temperature in this region of the world. Causes the Local and Map temperature to dip by -10 degrees. 6x6 Yes


Building Type Image Health Description Effect Size Must be destroyed to kill cluster
Auto mortar ? 180 A self-powered, self-loading,automatic mortar. It can hit targets at any distance, over walls, but is quite inaccurate. The auto mortar will slowly destroy even the best defended and equipped bases from a distance, making these one of the biggest threats of a mechanoid cluster. 2x2 Yes
Auto inferno turret ? 380 A self-powered turret mounted with an inferno cannon. A defensive turret that shoots incendiary shells. 2x2 Yes?
Auto charge blaster turret ? 380 A self-powered turret mounted with a heavy charge blaster. Defends Mechanoid clusters with a fast firing blaster, Making this one of the most dangerous turrets to try to disable. 2x2 Yes
Mini-slugger turret ? 100 A self-powered defense turret mounted with a weak but long-ranged slug thrower. May explode when damaged. A small common defensive turret used by mechanoid cluters, Fairly harmless but has incredible range. 1x1 No?
