Topic on User talk:Cheldra

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Thank you for implementing the average offspring! I'll get to work filling it right away.

Meat and leather yield all go through a post processing curve with points (0,0), (5,14), (40,40), (100000,100000) defined in Data/Core/Defs/Stats/Stats_Pawns_General.xml, which effectively increases values below 40. For example, baby ducks would have a meat yield of 0.03*140 = 4, but the post-process curve increases it to 12.

I don't know how possible it would be to implement the curve within the wiki, if it is straightforward, here's my python function in case it's helpful:

```def post_process_curve(pre, x=[0, 5, 40, 10000], y=[0, 14, 40, 10000]): for i in range(len(x)): if pre < x[i]: gradient = (y[i] - y[i - 1])/(x[i] - x[i - 1]) progress = pre - x[i - 1] return y[i - 1] + gradient*progress```